The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Jasmine Suwannapura

Quick Quotes

Q. Jasmine, what a great first round here at Lake Oconee. You started off with a bogey and then you did just like five birdies. Starting out with a bogey, how did it feel?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, because we, me and Michelle, we only play 18 holes for this course so we just looking at like to get used to how it roll and how firm the green.

To start with bogey on the 1st hole is like, okay, well, you going to you learn from the 1st hole and keep learning; two more holes to get used to it.

Q. Do you mind talking us through the three birdies, 11 through 13, when you made the turn? Talk to us about the positions you were in for those birdies, how short of a putt were they?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I think all those birdie putts it's about 15 foot, 12 foot putts. So it's not that close; not that far away.

But I feel like the whole day today the green is a little tricky because pretty new. The way that the green and everything is slope and everything it's really hard to read.

Q. Yeah. As you said, that's a great round to start. What do you think was the strongest part of your or the thing worked well?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, today I play pretty good. Hit the ball pretty good. Hit the driver pretty long. Some of the holes still had pretty long holes. Like 15, had 180 shot on 15. Little bad chip so could not make up and down and make double.

Other than that, the whole day was pretty solid.

Q. I asked you this yesterday in Thai, but we had a week off last week. Walk us through what you did and how much you relaxed and how much you worked.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, to be honest, I only play one round of golf and one day of driving range. (Laughter.)

So just take my minds off golf a little bit and then relax a little bit and stay home, play some Call of Duty.

Q. What was your goal coming into this tournament?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Just so you know, at the moment I don't think I'm in the U.S. Open, so I talk about the U.S. Open a little bit. Right now it have to be the top 75 Rolex Rankings, so I think the deadline after this week. So my goal is to play good enough, make the cut, and then hopefully top 20 and keep my world ranking and get to play in U.S. Open.

Q. Yeah. Have you ever played in Georgia before?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: The tournament? No.

Q. First time?


Q. What did you think of the course when you first got here? This is the first look for everyone out here.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, first of all, water everywhere. It's beautiful lake and big house and everybody get boats here. You know, first thing I see even the practice round you will see people just took the boat out and just park right there next to the fairway and just like -- yesterday just honk at me. Good shot, honk, honk and keep honking. Oh, that's fun. You know, that's different.

Q. It's definitely different, right?


Q. We haven't experienced that really on tour here.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, this is new for us, but I think it's pretty fun.

Q. When we were able to put this Drive On Championship what was the first thing going through your mind? Usually we would be over in Asia now?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I know. Too sad we can't play Asia, but we supposed to have like four, five weeks in a row off. But Mike Whan was awesome and put it together the sponsorship and make it to be play this week in beautiful golf course on the lake. My caddie went fishing like every day in the evening. Just sit in the lake and fishing.

Q. No better way to relax.


Q. I know you said you got to play 18 holes. What's there to work on going into tomorrow?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Probably -- I mean, hit it pretty good, other than on 15. And then some of the hole here they tuck it pretty good. Like 17 the only miss you go is long left, but if you short you be in the water.

So long left is not necessarily any easier, so probably have to look at the pin position more and more game plan where should I put the ball.

Hopefully I can hit good enough to where it should be. That's my goal. Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102690-1-1041 2020-10-22 17:51:00 GMT

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