The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Minjee, you had a great finish. Do you mind talking us through the first couple holes though? What was going through your mind for 1, 2, and then you weer also 3-over by the end of 6.

MINJEE LEE: Right, yeah. I mean, I didn't really start very good. I had two bogeys to start. They weren't the toughest holes on the golf course, but I knew I had quite a few opportunities to get it back on the back nine and even the end of the front nine.

So I just pretty much did my -- tried my best, like I always do. Just tried not to give up and just try to making as many birdies as I ou could.

Q. Talking about birdies, you had one on 7. Talk us through how short that putt was and was that the start of the momentum for you?

MINJEE LEE: Actually, I chipped it in because I hit it in the rough on my drive and I sort of like bunted it out in front of the green. Then it went in, so that was a nice surprise, pleasant surprise.

After that I made very good birdies after that.

Q. I think every highlight I've seen it's been you putting it in the hole from chipping or bunkers. Would you say that is your strongest part of the game right now?

MINJEE LEE: You know, right now I don't feel like everything is like super good or super bad. I just feel like I'm on middle ground right now. I feel like if I'm maybe mentally a little bit more focused then I could really put a good round together and maybe a really low score.

But I'm working towards it, and not everybody is perfect all the time. I'm always trying my best.

Q. We haven't played in Georgia in a really long time, although next year we'll be playing KPMG here. What are your thoughts on Georgia and this golf course in particular?

MINJEE LEE: I've actually never played in Georgia before, so I've been to Atlanta but just never played an event. It's really lovely here. Great atmosphere with seeing the lake pretty much the whole back nine. It's just a really nice walk out there and the weather is really nice.

So, yeah, I think just the time of the year it's beautiful. It's full. Just really enjoying the walk out there.

Q. What would you say is the most challenging part of this golf course?

MINJEE LEE: I feel like the greens are pretty bouncy and some of the greens it's a really small target. So I think if you don't hit those there is a lot of run-off. Probably the most important is your iron play around here, so I think maybe it's a second-shot golf course.

Q. Last question for you. We have three rounds left. What are you thinking going into these three rounds?

MINJEE LEE: You know, like starting out today I wasn't feeling too confident about what I was going to shoot today.

You know, I finished at 2-under, so hopefully I can just ride that momentum into tomorrow and the weekend.

Q. You say you weren't confident knowing what you were going to shoot today. Why was that? Was that because of practice lately, or just not getting enough practice on a new course?

MINJEE LEE: No, not that. I think maybe just how I went in the first 6 holes. My shots weren't too good. I probably had a lot of what do you call it, loose shots here and there.

Yeah, I mean, I just -- I always do my best, try my best. So, yeah, just obviously you don't know what you're going to shoot at the end of the day, so I took it one shot at a time pretty much.

Q. I was talking Alena who said you have to be really patient out here. What's it like for you when you have those few opening holes that just aren't going your way? What are you telling yourself and what changes the mindset to be able to finish or close out strong?

MINJEE LEE: I feel like there are a couple quite long holes out here and then couple of holes that you just have a flick wedge in to the pin. So I think if you can put yourself in position, like on the fairway for those short holes, I think you're really going to have a good chance of making birdies.

I think maybe like the back nine there is a couple more chances, and obviously 18 you can get on for two. Yeah, I just feel like there was a lot of the opportunities for me to get those birdies.

Q. And I think the last one from me. Couple players have said the back nine is the most challenging. You say you got more birdie looks there. Why is it different for you?

MINJEE LEE: I'm not sure. Maybe just the water gives me good vibes, I don't know, seeing the lake. I'm not really sure. I feel like the harder it gets I sort of focus on the smaller target. So maybe that's just for me.

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102693-1-1041 2020-10-22 18:25:00 GMT

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