The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Mariah Stackhouse

Quick Quotes

Q. Mariah, what a great finish after round one. How does it feel to get round one under your belt now?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Feels good. I like this course. After the practice rounds I could see that there were a lot of opportunities for birdie, especially if you keep it in the fairway after the tee here and play the approach shots smart.

I mean, 2-under, I can't be upset at that.

Q. Do you think there was any particular hole where you picked up momentum? The second hole you had a birdie.


Q. How short was that putt and was that the start for you for having a really good round today?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Yeah, I birdied No. 2. I think I gave myself quite a few opportunities, more opportunities for birdie on the front nine. So I think I was just hitting my irons well. I think the momentum came on the birdie that I had after I doubled 10. Bounced back with a birdie there, so I think that just settled that out and made the double irrelevant and was able to move forward from there.

Q. And how short was that putt on 11?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: 11, I believe it was 16 feet.

Q. Was there any particular part of your game today that you thought went really well?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Approach shots for sure. Couple of my birdies, like one birdie I had on a par-5 on the front nine -- actually both of them were really short putts, for about a feet. One was driving the green in two an the other was just a really good approach shot.

Yeah, I think my second shots were really good. Actually didn't hit my driver as long as I would like on the front, but I still managed to give myself a couple opportunities. Then on the back nine my driver got hot and I started giving myself a lot of looks, so that was fun.

Q. We had a week off last week. What did you do last week and was there any particular part of your game that you worked more on?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Uh-huh, putting for sure. That was kind of what kicked me in the butt the last two weeks in Jersey and Pennsylvania. So I spent a lot time working on the putting and hopefully coming into this tournament connecting a bit more with the cup.

Q. And of course you're from Georgia, and we all would love to hear some words that you have just playing in your home state and have you gotten any extra love this week given that you are from Georgians this week given that you're here?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Yeah, since we don't have fans out you don't feel too much of the extra support, but for sure from the golf staff out here at this golf course and the Reynolds community. Definitely feel the home support.

Q. May I ask what your goal is going into the next three rounds, your mindset?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: To continue to hit the approach shots the way I'm hitting. I think the only change is putting stroke feels good, so be more a little more aggressive on some of the putts and go from there.

Q. You talked yesterday about hitting the ball in the right spots on these greens. That's kind of what Jack wanted you to do. Did you figure it out? Is that one the things you did today?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: I think so. I definitely didn't put myself on sides of the pin where it's really tough to get up and downs out here today. In fact, the only square that I had on the scorecard I didn't leave myself in a bad place, just was poor execution on the chip shot.

Yeah, I think I navigated the course well. My caddie studied so he knows the sides on certain pins when coming in with long irons you definitely want to favor here and if you miss, miss on that side. So I think we played very smartly.

Q. What happened on the double?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: I hit it in the bunker off the tee, laid up. I was kind of close to the lip. Couldn't get up there. Just really flubbed a chip shot. Couldn't get it on the green.

Q. And you mentally angle this to put that aside then?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Yeah, it's golf. Those things happen. I was 2-under coming into it. That took me back to even. Obviously I say to myself, You're playing well. That was a blooper. Just go get it back.

Q. When the tournament was at Eagle's Landing, did you go down there when you were a little kid?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: I did. I was standard bearer for that tournament once and I would go down to watch every year.

Q. Who was your favorite player?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Lorena Ochoa hands down.

Q. She and Annika, they would all come to that thing, right?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Yeah, yeah, she would, so I would go watch Lorena every year.

Q. Inspiration even as a little kid?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Absolutely. I met her at that tournament, too. She was really sweet.

Q. Is that your mom here today?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Yeah, my mom is out watching.

Q. Nice to have mom here.

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: It is, it is. We got somebody clapping.

Q. You put her it work cooking and now she's out here walking.

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Did she tell you she made my breakfast this morning? She did.

Q. What did you have?

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: Eggs scramble, bacon, oatmeal, and something that I'm completely forgetting.

Q. Mom, we need this every day.


Q. Last question for you. What are you going to do tonight to relax? Tomorrow you have a later tee time.

MARIAH STACKHOUSE: I do. I'm going to get my -- I have a session with my physiotherapist this evening, and probably dinner, and my mom and I are going to watch the season finale of the show called Lovecraft Country that we've been watching.

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102696-1-1041 2020-10-22 19:05:00 GMT

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