The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Pernilla Lindberg

Quick Quotes

Q. Pernilla, nice day for you. How are you feeling after round one at Reynolds Lake Oconee?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: I'm very happy. Obviously brand new course for al of us, so it was hard to know what the scoring was going to be like. I just went out there and kind of wanted to put something in the red numbers on the leaderboard. I did, so I am happy with day one.

Q. You had a hot start with almost a bogey-free front nine. What do you think is either the most challenging part of this course or also how comfortable are you with your game after round like that today?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, first I think probably the most challenging thing here is hitting the greens in the right sections, getting close to the pin. Because the fairways are pretty wide but then trying to get close to the pin, the greens are quite firm, so that's probably the toughest part.

And then obviously to shoot a low round you always have to roll in the putts, and that's what I did today. I was really happy with my game from tee to green at KPMG, and I carried that over and finally rolled in a few more putts today.

Q. Is it weird to have the week off and this week and three more weeks? I feel like it's been 2020 in a nutshell.

PERNILLA LINDBERG: That's true, but at the same time any time we get to tee it up we're just happy to be playing. And for me, I just tried to carry over a little bit of that good momentum that I had at KPMG through the off week and that's always kind of hard to do.

At the same time, only having the one week off it's doable. Now I'll probably take a little bit more time off from golf with the three weeks off, and then get ready for that final stretch again.

Q. Did you feel something click at the KPMG Women's PGA? What exactly do you think clicked there that you want to carry over into this?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, I really did feel that little kind of click, and especially in my long game, off the tee but also with my irons. Just few technical calls things I been working on, and it finally kind of clicked. And then you kind of just want to preserve that. It's always hard to do in golf, but I feel like I'm close to being there again.

Q. Is it weird knowing that maybe at this point last year we would've been in Asia at this point and here we are in Georgia for the first time since 2006?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Absolutely. The month of October there is a lot players and caddies who haven't spent any time in the U.S. in October for a very long time, so that's a little bit different for us.

But with everything going on to be able to put this on the schedule instead, we are very excited to be here, and I'm really hoping that this can become a yearly stop for us it's an awesome place.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102701-1-1041 2020-10-22 22:49:00 GMT

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