The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Lindsey Weaver

Quick Quotes

Q. Lindsey, what a great round after your second round. What worked the most out there for you and what are you looking forward to working on for tomorrow?

LINDSEY WEAVER: It was just I hit a lot fairways, greens today. Didn't make as many putts, but I was making literally everything yesterday, so I was kind of expecting that.

But it was still pretty steady, and very bummed to bogey the last obviously. But other than that, it was pretty good, and I think it's pretty steady going into the weekend.

Q. Is there anything that you were particularly looking forward to coming into this week that you probably worked more on in your off week?

LINDSEY WEAVER: So I been working more on like short game and bunker play and putting as well. Putting obviously has been paying off. Short game, not so much so far. That can change this week.

Q. How do you keep the mood light? You're caddying for yourself. And is a way you relax?

LINDSEY WEAVER: It's nice to be paired with people that I know. Like Ally, I'm friends with her, so it's nice to be paired with somebody who I'm familiar with who also likes to keep it light. So she's really fun.

And Ariya, was fun to play with her, too.

So two really great personalities that I got to play with the past two days, and their caddies as well. So it was fun.

Q. And you had an really early round this morning and now you've got sort of the afternoon off. What will you do to get in the mindset for tomorrow?

LINDSEY WEAVER: Just kind of relax. It's hard to push a little bit on the zoysia here.

Q. Go ice your arm?

LINDSEY WEAVER: Yeah. So just going to try to relax, get some food, and just take it easy.

Q. Watch Netflix?


Q. Couple from me. You said you had some great personalities in your group this week. You guys have been shooting low. Today was an even par day for you, but what's it like when the whole group finds that groove and that flow?

LINDSEY WEAVER: I don't think I've ever really experienced it like that, like yesterday. It was really fun. It's like you're kind of pushing each other to keep making birdies and to keep going low.

So it was really a fun atmosphere.

Q. I know it's kind of sounds weird, but does it feel like match play when one person makes a birdie you feel like, Oh, I got to make, Oh, I have to make one?

LINDSEY WEAVER: I felt like that a little bit. I notice that Ally would always make it on top of me so I thought I was good motivation for her.

But, no, not so much. Just trying to shoot as low as you can, make every putt that you look at pretty much.

Q. I know today was a little bit of an up and down day. Still being able to grind and fight it out for that even par score, what's it like knowing you're out there by yourself and having the mental aptitude to keep on grinding when the round is looking up and down?

LINDSEY WEAVER: Yeah, well, I knew that today playing in the morning, especially early, was going to be much more difficult than yesterday, as was shown by the scores yesterday morning.

So I had that kind of -- I was prepared for that and knew it was going to play a little harder, so I was ready mentally to take on more challenges and be a little more patient.

I think that paid off.

Q. You are engaged and going to get married. Ally got married this year. Did you talk at all with her on the course yesterday and today about that entire thing?

LINDSEY WEAVER: Yes, we talk about -- or I've asked her so many questions about her wedding. We talk about mine all the time. Yes, it's like a special bond that we have almost.

Q. What's the wedding that you envision and what's the ideal dream wedding?

LINDSEY WEAVER: So I really wanted to do a fall wedding. We were going to try to do October 9th of next year but it wasn't going to work out with both of our schedules. It was too hard to make everybody's schedules work, and with all the golf that everybody plays in our bridal party would've been a nightmare.

We decided to go for December 4th. It's going to be in Ohio in December outside, so we'll see how it goes. I'm really hoping for good weather. No rain anyway. I don't care if it snows, just no rain.

It'll be a winter wonderland theme hopefully kind of theme, but it'll be really fun, especially close to the holidays.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102710-1-1041 2020-10-23 17:58:00 GMT

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