The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Pernilla Lindberg

Quick Quotes

Q. What a great round. You started off of 10 and then you birdied three holes in. Was that the start of the good momentum today?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, it really feel like it. Or actually it already started on my 1st hole of the day, the 10th hole. I missed a green and holed quite a good putt for par. That carried over the momentum from yesterday I would say.

But then it was for sure nice to see the birdies start dropping after that.

Q. Was there a memorable birdie today?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Probably on 16. That was the longest putt that I holed today. It was kind of across the green down there by the water.

Q. How long was it?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: I would ask my caddie for the exact measurement, but it was probably 50, 60 feet.

Q. Oh, my goodness. Is there any part of your game where you feel really confident then? Maybe putting or what part?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, so coming from KPMG I was extremely happy with my long game from tee to green, but the putts were not really dropping that week.

The putter has really warmed up these two days and I've been making so many good putts out there. For sure the putter is what's been working last two days, and if I can really fine tune the long game, which it's been fine as well, and get that back on track, I can keep this up.

Q. We've been playing for a couple months and still have no spectators. We have a couple boats out there. How this is it been pumping yourself up and maybe your caddie talking to you? What you do tell yourself?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, I think I'm always pretty good no matter if we have fans or not. I always talk about staying in my bubble, and that term has really got a different meaning this year.

So obviously it's nice to have the fans out there, but this week it is nice and a little different. Yesterday when I holed a birdie putt I got a couple honks from a boat. I think that's a first.

But, no, unfortunately I guess we're kind of used to the no fans right now, but we are missing them.

Q. I have one more question. Some players have been going home back to Asia and then some players are going to Europe after this tournament. Where is your family? Are you in communication with them? When do you plan to go home?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Me and my husband live in Orlando. That's where we have been spending off weeks. His family is in England, mine is in Sweden, and we haven't seen them since last Christmas. We're not really sure when we're going to see each other next yet. We're still figuring that out.

At least nowadays it's so good with FaceTime and all the kind of messaging we can do. Of course that's not the same as getting a real hug from your mom.

Q. You've had some really good rounds since the restart, but they've come in fits and starts. What has been going on, and do you feel the momentum building now for a really good event?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, I've kind of felt that my game, it's trending in the right direction. It's been little tweaks in my game where I just haven't really carried it on over four days. But I've felt, you know, parts are there. I just needed to get them clicking.

I for sure feel like I'm building some good momentum now.

Q. I saw you earlier in the week on the range and you were working on some specific feels about where your hands were on the grip and that sort of thing. What were you working on specifically that you're saying, Oh, hey this is something I can repeat?

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, it's a lot of things over time that we been working on, but really we've gotten my swing to a place we're really happy with it.

Then I have some old setup tendencies that have been there as compensations. Like I've always been setting up with my face a little bit open and then through my swing I closed it. Now I'm swinging it better, so now I need to learn to set up with a square club face.

For me, that square club face looks really closed. But that's what really clicked at KPMG and I could trust it, so that's what I keep working on. But we have pretty much 30 years doing certain habits that you're trying to change. It's not always that easy.

Q. Do you find that these firm and fast bermuda greens suit you? Because I remember other firm and fast bermuda greens where you putted really well.

PERNILLA LINDBERG: Yeah, you know, these ones, I wouldn't say normally that bermuda is my favorite, but these are so pure that you don't even like feel really that they're grainy or anything. But any kind of fast greens and I will always be happy, that's for sure.

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102712-1-1041 2020-10-23 18:26:00 GMT

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