The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Carlota Ciganda

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Carlota after what's now the low round of the day. Take us through those first opening nine holes. Six birdies in a row. What was going well for you, especially on this front nine?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I mean, pretty much everything. I think the putting was key, making a few more putts. I hit both par-5s in two, so that was a two-putt birdie an of par-5s.

But then, yeah, I made a couple good putts. I mean, I still hit it close to like four, five feet, but then I made a nice 20-footer on 6.

Yeah, I mean, I'm just playing good, hitting lots of good shots. I stopped on the back nine. I would've like a couple more birdies, but 65, it's always a great round.

Q. Yeah, that's really, really awesome round here, especially since yesterday morning not so many people went low. Were you expecting a different kind of course out there knowing you were teeing off earlier this morning?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think the course is playing a little longer in the morning. I mean, now it just gets really hot and the ball flies a lot. I do think the greens in the morning are nicer and more fresh. They are smooth so you can make a few more putts.

Yeah, my coach told me a little thing yesterday to keep working on my putting, and, yeah, it seemed to work pretty well today.

Q. I was going to say, some magic words from your coach there. I was also talking to my caddie saying was it the putting, was it the approach shots, but seems like everything was coming together for you today. Do you feel the same way?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I been playing very good the last few weeks, and my putting was the thing that wasn't going great. Yeah, when you make putts you just make birdies if you hit greens. I been hitting lots of greens, and today was one of those days that's it's always fun to be on the golf course.

Q. I know you said you would've liked a few more birdies on the back nine. What is it to improve upon maybe going into tomorrow? What do you think you can do land more of those birdies there?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think very similar to today. Try to make a few birdies on the par-5s, hit as many fairways, greens as possible, give myself lots of birdie chances, and hopefully the putts fall on the weekend and I can be up there on Sunday.

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102713-1-1041 2020-10-23 18:33:00 GMT

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