The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Mel Reid

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Mel Reid. Another solid day after yesterday. Seemed your whole group was finding their groove out there today.

MEL REID: Yeah, obviously three good players, especially Danielle and Stacy, so it was nice to play with them. I enjoyed it.

Yeah, I definitely hit it better today. Overall pretty happy with the last couple days.

Q. What was the differences between yesterday to today, especially with this course? The morning yesterday not a lot of people were hitting it low.

MEL REID: Yeah, it certainly plays longer in the morning and it's just a tricky golf course. You've got to play away from pins and the greens are kind of new and firm. You can't hold the 18th green for example, no matter what you're hitting it. You've got to be hitting like a 9-iron in, so I don't think anyone is going to be doing that.

Yeah, it's tough, it's tricky. You can get penalized very easily. 15, that's -- anywhere on that green is a good shot. It's just a very tough hole. If you miss that green you're kind -- you're sure to make bogey.

Yeah, it's just about being patient, being sensible when you can and you get the green flag to go for the pins and when not to. Felt like me and Dez did that well the last two days.

Q. This is definitely a new course. Not a lot of people have played, especially with the renovation that they had. What have you thought of Reynolds Lake Oconee with its views?

MEL REID: It's honestly a pleasant surprise. I haven't been in this area ever. It's somewhere I would come back, I want to see, and even for like a couple day vacation. It's just cool to see the bay with all the boats.

Obviously we don't have spectators but we feel like we do. That's an added bonus and very pretty to walk and it's just honestly a pleasure to play.

Q. As you can see the beautiful views, I know Mike was in your group the other day and you were able to give him a couple jabs. What was that like for you?

MEL REID: Yeah, it good. I took my opportunity to jab him about the fine, so I was quite pleased with myself about that. Yeah, it's just nice to see him in a different position. He was chirping at us to see what we were going to hit on 17 and we were telling him to go away.

I think it he did a great job and obviously everyone out here loves Mike. He's done a great job for us. Yeah, it is nice to see him in a bit of a different role.

Q. You've been a consistent player and showed that with your win a couple weeks ago. With the week off, was it nice to just take a break from that competitive mindset?

MEL REID: Yeah, a week wasn't enough, to be honest. We kind of carried on celebrating that week just because I haven't seen my friends in a while. Since the restart it's been pretty full on. I think the only tournament I missed was Scotland.

Yeah, this will be -- get this weekend, get some grinding done this weekend, and then we get three weeks off. That'll be nice.

Yeah, really not had much time and honestly like a week isn't enough, because you're back practicing on Wednesday, Thursday. Yeah, be nice to go home and settle in for a little bit.

Q. What's is there to work on for tomorrow and as you try to stay towards the top leaderboard?

MEL REID: Just the same stuff. I just had a couple soft bogeys which I'm going to try and eliminate tomorrow.

Yeah, I kind of feel my game is in relatively good shape. Just warmed down. Dez kind of expected me to hit for about an hour and I hit for about five minutes.

Yeah, just get in a little bit of a groove again, and just same thing tomorrow.

Q. How was the ball striking for you today and what was happening that allowed you to play so well?

MEL REID: Yeah, I definitely hit it better than yesterday and I felt like I had a couple kind of skim birdies on -- you know, one on 9, which is playing probably one of the toughest holes, and again on 15, which is just extremely tough hole.

I had a couple steals there. Yeah, certainly couple soft bogeys. Just had a miss-club on 14. The other one was just a bad shot from me. Yeah, some cleaning up to do, but overall pretty happy with the last two days.

Q. How are liking this golf course?

MEL REID: This golf course is beautiful. I've never been in area so it's a really pleasant surprise. It's just so cool seeing all the boats. People are actually allowed to see us I guess on the boats.

Yeah, the back nine especially, which is all on the water. And it's a pleasure to play.

Q. (Regarding Mike Whan.)


Q. Was it a little confusing seeing him out there?

MEL REID: A little bit. I took my opportunity to give him some sticks about the fine, so I was quite pleased with myself with that one. Yeah, I think he did a pretty good job. He said a few things to us on -- we were just waiting on the 17th tee and he was telling us where he would hit it. We were like, Mike, go away. Like we don't want to know where you would hit it.

It's nice to see him in a different position and he's so great for our tour. Yeah, just a top guy.

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102715-1-1041 2020-10-23 19:00:00 GMT

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