The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Katherine Kirk

Quick Quotes

Q. Katherine, what a round during your second round here at Lake Oconee. How do you feel?

KATHERINE KIRK: Today was a much better day, yeah. Eight birdies and felt great out there. Nice to post a 65 up there and try and catch some of the leaders.

Q. You started off of 1 and then birdied No. 2, 3, and then 5 and 6. When did the momentum start for you today?

KATHERINE KIRK: I think getting off to a good start. Just I felt comfortable from the getgo. I felt comfortable yesterday, to be honest, as well. I only made two birdies all day which was unusual for me because I usually make a lot and throw in a few mistakes, too.

So, yeah, just nice to get off to that good start and keep it rolling. There is plenty of chances out there. It's just a matter of staying patient and attacking pins that are more accessible, which I did pretty well.

Q. Was there a particular birdie today that stood out to you?


Q. Maybe a one-foot putt or something.

KATHERINE KIRK: Ooo, trying to think. I have to go back here. I made a long one on 15. It was a 29-foot putt. That's not the typically what we would call a birdie hole. It's a tough green to hit and I hit a decent drive down there and a decent 8-iron and certainly not expecting to be make the putt, but bonus when that one went in.

That was probably the highlight. I knocked it over the green on 2; on 18 hit a good little bunker shot to four feet, so it was nice to finish that way too. That always makes dinner taste better.

Q. Speaking of putting working really well, what part of the your game do you think you feel really confident in right now, or is it a bit of everything?

KATHERINE KIRK: Yeah, probably a little bit of everything. Really happy with my PXG equipment. This is the best equipment I've used in my 17 years on tour. I think the experience on top of that, and, yeah, working hard and just getting a little confidence, it all kind of blends together.

So I mentioned this maybe -- might have been ANA. I did put a new PXG putter in the bag in Arkansas and it's been wonderful ever since.

I guess that was a nice change, too, a little boost.

Q. A little PXG support there.

KATHERINE KIRK: Yes. I got to give them a plug. They've been fabulous to me. Yeah, I feel like I'm, like I said, using the best equipment out there, and our club fitter, John McGannon (phonetic) has been awesome. I think he's the best I've ever worked with, so I feel very blessed right now.

Q. The weather has been really great. The course is beautiful. How is it playing this course for the first time and also given the new conditions?

KATHERINE KIRK: It's an amazing golf course, and, yeah, we've had perfect weather so far. Really hoping we get to come back here. I think all the girls enjoyed it. This is by far one of Jack Nicklaus' best golf courses we've played.

Yeah, it's fun to see so many people out on the boats and welcoming us. It's good southern hospitality. Yeah, it's been a great week already, and fingers crossed we can come back.

Q. We had a week off. May I ask what you did? Did you relax a lot? Did you work on your game? A little bit of both?

KATHERINE KIRK: A little bit of both. I was home for five days and then caught up with some girlfriends and their kids in Florida, and, yeah, behaved like a six year old at moments.

When you're playing with a two year old and a six year old I guess you can put the kid hat on for a bit. It was fun. Yeah, just nice to see some friends. Three of them played out here, gosh, back in the day. I'm trying to think maybe the last year one of the girls was on was 2012.

Yeah, I still keep in touch with some of my old tour friends, which is nice. It was a reunion, so it was good to see them and catch up. We're all in such different places now. Like I said, two of them got kids, and, yeah, we're going a million miles hour, but it's nice to pause and catch up for a weekend.

Kind of like old times.

Q. That seems so necessary right now in these crazy times. Speaking of friends though, my last question is just your fans back home. I'm sure they're going crazy. If they could be here honking boats they would. Do you have a message for your family and friends back home?

KATHERINE KIRK: Yeah, just love you guys and love the support even though we're half a world away. Yeah, I feel very blessed. I had an amazing family growing up and feel very fortunate to grow up in a country as great as Australia.

We had great golf opportunities there, great coaching, and a lot of friends' support along the way helped me to get where I am today. It might be an individual sport but it's a team effort, and, yeah, I'm certainly blessed and thankful for the folks that have helped me on my journey.

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