The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Megan Khang

Quick Quotes

Q. Megan, what a great round. How do you feel after you got round three in and only one round to go?

MEGAN KHANG: Everything feels great. Gave myself a lot of opportunities out there and then just really stayed patient out there. Kurt was there to really tell me to stay in the moment and really not dwell on the missed putts. Whenever you have a bogey-free round it's always great feeling.

Q. Exactly. I was just about to ask. You had a bogey-free round. When did the momentum sort of start for you today? You had a birdie starting on 5 and then 6 and 8 and then 11.

MEGAN KHANG: No, like I said, gave myself a lot of opportunities and Kurt was really there telling me to stay patient. As hard as it was, like thankfully I was able to keep my head in the game. Just really kind of once I saw I guess Elizabeth make the birdie on 5 it opened the lid for the birdies for our group I feel like.

Q. Any memorable birdies today? What was the shortest putt distance?

MEGAN KHANG: I want to say on 6.

Q. The par-5?

MEGAN KHANG: On the Par-5. I was walking with Pat Hurst up the cart path and I was like, Oh, Hi, Pat. She was like, I haven't seen a ton of birdies. Show me more birdies. I stuck it to like a foot and a half. It was nice, and I looked her and I was like, Hey, birdie.

Q. How does it feel to be walking by Pat Hurst and are you thinking the Solheim Cup?

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, in the end everyone knows that she's captain and she's such a great person in general, first off. So making the Solheim Cup last year, it definitely motivates me more to keep playing my best, and eventually if I do that, everything will pay out in the end.

Right now just focusing on this week, and hopefully I keep playing well and the points and results end up in my favor.

Q. We had a week off. I've just been asking a lot of the players what have you been doing during the week off. Some relaxed completely; some worked on their game.

MEGAN KHANG: I did a little combination. So I don't know if I should talk about this. I missed the cut at KPMG. I drove there so I left and took a day and a half off and spent it with my boyfriend and took my mind off golf.

Went back to practice, and, again, just a couple -- like day and a half, just spending it with him. It was a mixture of both fun and work.

Q. Right. You mentioned it, but you missed the cut at KPMG. How is it to have a week off and then just mentally reset? What do you do to mentally reset? Watch Netflix?

MEGAN KHANG: It was really good to have that week off because I needed to work on my swing. Thankfully my dad is my coach so I could just go back home and work on my swing and get everything settled for this week.

Q. The last question I have is what are you telling yourself right now as you go into the last round?

MEGAN KHANG: Just telling myself to stay patient and giving myself opportunities. Greens are tricky, so I can't be too hard on myself once I get on the greens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102722-1-1041 2020-10-24 18:44:00 GMT

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