The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Brittany Altomare

Quick Quotes

Q. Brittany, it was a solid round for you today. I know you started off a little rough. What happened there with that bogey on the 1st hole?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: I just didn't really hit a good shot or bunker shot, so kind of just ended up into a bogey. I made a good like four-footer for bogey, so, yeah.

Q. Hey, I'll take a bogey out of a bunker shot I feel like any day. You had a couple birdies on the card. What were some of the differences you felt in your game today and in the past two days?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, I didn't hit it super great today, but I made some really good up and downs. Like on 13 I think it was out of the bunker. I mean, I was just hoping to keep the ball on the green and it did, and I had a 20-footer to save par, so that was really nice to do.

Q. You were pretty consistent on that back nine. You had a string of pars, but also two birdies in there to keep you moving up the leaderboard.


Q. How important was it to stay consistent on that back?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Really consistent, because I didn't start off really well and I knew I wasn't hitting it great. My short game kind of kept me in it today. To have to those two birdies and a clean back nine was really helpful.

Q. Short game, I feel like we talked about it earlier this week, but is that something you've really been working on as we get into this home stretch of events?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Trying to, yeah. I don't think it's been the best part of my game so far this year, so I've really been trying to work on it. It seems to be paying off right now, so that's good.

Q. How much more confident do you feel when something that you have been working in, like your short game, really comes to help you, especially on the back nine here in the third round?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: It's kind of a relief and it just makes you feel good that what you're going is the right thing and you're moving in the right direction. So it's always good to see your hard work pay off.

Q. We were talking about it earlier, but as you come down 18 you see a string of boats and you were saying there are more on the back nine. Tell me what that's like to feel some fanfare.

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, it's refreshing. It's just so nice to see everybody back out supporting us. I mean, that's what we like about tournament golf is playing in front of fans and feeling that support. This community has been amazing. Looking at 18 it's so cool to see.

Q. When you first saw the boats out there this past Thursday, did you imagine it wrapping all way around 18 there?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Not as big as it is right now, but it's pretty cool. It's cool, and I'm hoping there will be more tomorrow.

Q. I was going to say, we do have a leader right now who seems to be coming away with it in Ally McDonald who was on the Solheim Cup team with you. Are you friends with her outside of this? And if you are, what is it about her that you think is doing well in her game right now?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, I don't think Ally and I have played together yet this year, but she's probably hitting it really well. This golf course you really need to hit it well, because you miss it in the wrong spot, and for lack of a better word, you're kind of screwed.

I'm sure she's hitting it well and the ball is probably going in the hole. I love Ally. We had a lot of fun on Solheim. I'm really happy for her.

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