The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Bianca Pagdanganan

Quick Quotes

Q. Bianca, another grinding round out there to keep you in contention heading into the final day. How are you feeling after the third round is under your belt?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel great. There was like a huge sigh of relief after I made my last putt. It was a little frustrating. I was hitting so many good shots but couldn't get any putts to drop group.

Overall I'm still pretty happy with how I played.

Q. Beginning of the round, especially when you had that birdie on No. 2, you took the lead for a quick second there. But then those two bogeys. What did you say to yourself to pick yourself back up and what did you focus on?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I just told myself like be -- you have so many more holes to play and you're not hitting it bad. You just got to calm down and just take it shot by shot.

Q. Those two bogeys were literally the only blemishes on the card for the rest of the day. As we kept on going through the back nine, you kept in it, along with the other people in your group. What's it like when see other people in your group getting hot? Does it motivate you to continue to match that kind of energy?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Yeah, definitely really does. I think it does help when the people in your group are playing well. It helps you to play well. I think, I mean, obviously the back nine I was -- I had probably like seven straight pars, but I just told myself to stay patient. Your putts are going to drop, and they did on the last two holes.

Q. Last two holes you're smiling with relief there.


Q. On 18, too that drive on the Par-5. I think we were talking about it, 313 yards or something like that. What were those birdies like for you and what did it mean to be able to finish strong?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I was just like telling my caddie, I was telling Brandon, it's fine if the putts aren't dropping, but I'm giving myself really, really good opportunities. Eventually they're going to have to drop. Probably take a little more time to read the green.

But after I made the putt on 17 I was judge I can oh, my goodness, like finally. Like literally a sigh of relief. Coming into 18 I was like, okay, just hit a good drive and give yourself another good chance to make a birdie.

Q. How long was the putt on 17 for birdie?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: It was probably around like 15 feet.

Q. All right.


Q. And then I saw the chip that could have been eagle. What was the chip length and the birdie putt length there?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Shoot, I don't remember my chip length. Probably around like 15 yards, and then I stuck it to like three feet for birdie. So I was like, Okay, make this putt and hit a few more putts after the round.

Q. We were talking earlier that you met your caddie, Brandon, at the first event, the LPGA Drive on Championship back at Inverness. How much do you think he's really honed in on your game, and what does it feel like to have him out there with you?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: It's really nice. I think he understands my game now and he's definitely a huge help. Sometimes when I'm in between clubs or when I need an extra read he's definitely a good help, so I'm really glad everything is working out well.

Q. This is now the second tournament in a row that you are in -- now you're not from the penultimate group, but in the final grouping. What does it say about how confident you are in your game at this moment to be in contention for the second week in a row?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I think after playing well at KPMG it was a confidence booster and it just really helped realize that I can play good golf and I can be in contention.

So it's more about how I can handle my nerves tomorrow. I know it's definitely going to be there, but I think so far today I was able to handle it pretty well.

So I just got to remind myself: Stick to your game plan and don't try to make anything crazy happen. Just play your own game.

Q. There was only one other Filipino winner on tour, Jennifer Rosales. Is that someone you looked up to as you were growing up? Her first win actually on tour was in Georgia.


Q. Uh-huh.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Well, that's a pretty cool fact. Yes, she was one of the players I looked up to when I was younger. We didn't have a lot of LPGA Tour players. Yeah, she was definitely one of the players that I really idolized.

I saw her around when I would practice and that's cool, but knowing she won in Georgia is also -- that's a pretty cool fact.

Q. I did my research a little bit.


Q. What's the longest drive you've ever hit?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Longest drive I've ever hit? Like total, 320, 330 maybe with roll, I think.

Q. 330?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Yeah, I think so. Like in college, in New Mexico probably where the altitude is high.

Q. Your dad was telling me there are no other sports going on in the Philippines; everything is shutdown, so you're kind of a big deal over there right now. How big a deal are you?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I mean, I don't really -- I don't really try to pay attention. I don't -- I don't know. I mean, I think they started few other sports. I think they have their own bubble.

But right now I think it's just golf and some other sports. I don't like to say that I'm a big deal. I'm just out here trying to play my own game.

Q. And the other little interesting fact I learned is that there is competitive Frisbee being played in the Philippines.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Oh, Ultimate Frisbee. I played that a lot in high school and I loved it. I enjoyed it. I got really competitive with it.

Q. What is it exactly?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: It's like Frisbee. You throw a disc around and there are two end zones. I guess it's kind of like football. You need to get your disc to the end zone, but it's also a noncontact sport. It involves a lot of running. Which isn't really what golf is about.

Q. So two teams running back and forth?


Q. I have another question for you. Talking about the Philippines, you have felt kind of the support. But also now we have support there on 18 green with all the boats there. How cool was that to get a fan reaction as you were rounding out your final holes?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: It was amazing. Like as a rookie I don't think I've seen a lot of spectators around. That was probably the most I've seen. It looks a lot cooler because they're on boats. Definitely getting some claps, it feels nice to have people come out and watch.

OPHELIA BUNUEL: Hi. So one the 5 Es of Girls Golf is energize, and you need a lot of energy to play this course. What will you be doing tomorrow to stay energized during your round?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I definitely love snacking on the course. I think that really helps keeping my energy up. So I'm going to tell you that I will be eating out there, peanut butter sandwiches, Cheez-Its, bars, and drinking water.

Q. One more question. It does take a lot to get through this course. It is some long walks, some tee to greens is a little bit out there. Aside from eating, what do you say mentally to yourself to keep yourself physically up for the challenge?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I mean, it's definitely -- it's a bit tough since it's really humid. As much as possible I just try to drink like lots of water. Like before every shot I try to take a sip just to stay present, which is definitely important.

But for the most part, yeah, when I am walking to my shot I am kind of snack on something just to keep myself more aware and more I would say like awake.

So, yeah, definitely eating and just reminding myself to do those simple things.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102730-1-1041 2020-10-24 21:19:00 GMT

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