The LPGA Drive On Championship

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Austin Ernst

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, take us through what happened yesterday at No.4.

AUSTIN ERNST: Had a really good number. Had 138. It was nice. I hit a really good shot.

So, I mean, as soon as it took off looked really good. Landed three short and I actually told it to go in and it just trickled right if the hole.

So, yeah, that was a lot of fun.

Q. Nothing like picking out the right club there?

AUSTIN ERNST: Yeah, exactly. Dad did a good job on that. Good number and good club.

Q. What's it is like having your dad on the bag this week and to even have that moment with him at No.4?

AUSTIN ERNST: It was fun. It's nice having my brother on the bag, but it's cool. This is the first time dad has caddied for me since I've been on tour.

I guess since Q-School. He got me through Q-School and then this is the first time. But it was a lot of fun. He's a little bit more animated than Drew is, so we had a good time out there.

Q. Every hole in one on tour this year, just like last year, $20,000 to St. Jude from CME Group. What does it mean to know that ace on tour like that can go to something so major?

AUSTIN ERNST: It's awesome. It's cool to have something so fun for us actually do some good, so I think that's awesome.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102735-1-1041 2020-10-25 18:04:00 GMT

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