The LPGA Drive On Championship

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Matilda Castren

Quick Quotes

Q. Matilda, what a great finish here at Lake Oconee. How do you feel now that you got this, especially after Mission Inn?

MATILDA CASTREN: It feels good. I just kept doing kind of what I was doing last week. I love this course. I really enjoyed my whole week here.

Today I just tried to really have fun and just look at all the beautiful holes and people at the lake enjoying it, all the dogs. There were a lot of dogs out there. It was a good distraction.

Q. Of the four rounds, today you shot bogey-free. What worked the most? What kicked in?

MATILDA CASTREN: I managed to hit some of my shots close, and the ones that I didn't I managed to save par.

I think that was crucial to make those six-footers for par. That really helped me confidence today and kept me under par the whole day.

Q. And was there a memorable birdie that you had today?

MATILDA CASTREN: Probably 18. That just happened like five minutes ago. I really wanted to birdie that hole. I wasn't sure about the scores, but I just thought, I want to birdie this hole.

I had a little maybe six-footer, left to right down the hill, and I just really want to make it and I did.

Q. And speaking of Mission Inn and Symetra Tour events, are you planning to play the next two? What are your thoughts and goals for the rest of this year?

MATILDA CASTREN: Yes, I'm planning on playing and finishing Top 5 in the ranking to get the U.S. Open spot. We'll see from there.

Q. And what are you going to do the next couple weeks? Fine tune anything or are you feeling really confident in your game right now? Just going to keep going at it?

MATILDA CASTREN: Probably rest tomorrow and just try to keep doing what I'm doing. Try to keep relaxed and have fun.

Q. My last question is: How nice was it playing here at Lake Oconee, and is it going to be one of your more favorite courses?

MATILDA CASTREN: Yeah, absolutely. It's gorgeous out here. Really made it super fun having so many people watch, even though it wasn't official spectators.

It was an awesome week and I really hope we come back.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102736-1-1041 2020-10-25 19:08:00 GMT

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