The LPGA Drive On Championship

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Carlota Ciganda

Quick Quotes

Q. Carlota, what a great finish here at Lake Oconee. How do you feel now that you got this event over with?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I'm quite happy. I think I played very good all week. I was very happy to finish with three birdies on the last four holes.

I played very solid today. Yeah, quite happy with my finish this week.

Q. Not a lot of low scores today. What was the condition like out there?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think it rained a lot last night and the course was playing quite long and quite soft. The fairways are quite wet so we played preferred lies, but it was tough to get on the par-5s.

On 2 and 6, I mean, I hit driver, 6-iron on the second day on 2 and today was a driver, 3-wood. So that's a longer hole today.

I mean, overall I think it was just the wet and then some the pins they were trickier, Sunday pins. So I think it's just tougher to get those 5, 6, 7-unders.

Q. You've been shooting amongst the lowest this week. We've got three weeks off. What are you going to do? How will you relax?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I'm going to go back to Spain. Yeah, I'm excited to see my family. I haven't seen them for ten months, so I'm going to take it easy and just eat, sleep, and spend sometime with my parents.

Q. What's the thing you want to do the most or eat the most?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Where we live it's very beautiful, so I want to do some hiking, walks with my parents in the mountains, and I just want to have some fresh tomatoes. I like the way that my mom does is, and some nice veggies. Whatever she has it's always very good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102738-1-1041 2020-10-25 20:15:00 GMT

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