The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Minji Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Minji Kang after her first round at the LPGA Drive On Championship. Great first round for your first start on the LPGA. Can you just walk us through your round.

MINJI KANG: First of all, I was very excited to play this tournament as a rookie this year. Like it was pretty windy and during the practice round it was windy as well, so I think that helps.

And then I just want to try just go through today aggressive, but I think that works, yeah.

Q. Was there any part of your game that you felt like stuck out?

MINJI KANG: I think I did not miss many greens today. I think that helps in this weather. I didn't have many up and down so that I can have a good rounds today.

Q. Can you walk me through the emotions and what you were feeling on the first tee as you were about to tee off for your first LPGA round?

MINJI KANG: To be honest, it was not that nervous that I think. It was nervous before but on the tee I just want to think my swing and just where I need to aim.

Yeah, I was focus on my game so it was okay.

Q. And is there anybody out here that you have met so far that you were excited to meet or any LPGA players in particular that you've talked with since being out here this week?

MINJI KANG: I think I -- maybe I talked to some Korean players, because like I don't know that many Korean players, the pro, because I turn the pro in the U.S., not in Korea.

So I just say hi to them. I met some of the girls that I played in the Epson Tour. Yeah, it was good time.

Q. One last question about your round. You went bogey-free today.


Q. Which is amazing for your first round out here. Just talk through, too, how hard this course might be, any different course conditions you saw out there.

MINJI KANG: I think it's pretty important of my iron shots, and then especially the windy day.

Q. Yeah.

MINJI KANG: But like some hole, like they move the tee front so it was shorter than the practice round.

And then, yeah, I think we need to not make the less mistake and need to get a chance when it comes.

Q. One more question: Can you speak to how your experience on the Epson Tour last year has helped you prepare for this season on the LPGA Tour.

MINJI KANG: I had a have good experience playing several different courses, and I know that I can play well in several different courses.

So that helps, too. And then especially I played Florida more than the other parts in the U.S. so I think this helps, too.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140768-1-1041 2024-01-25 19:04:00 GMT

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