The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, January 26, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Joined now by Lexi Thompson, here after her second round at the LPGA Drive On Championship. What's the past two rounds kind of been like for you, and how have you been able to take advantage of this golf course?

LEXI THOMPSON: They've been good. Today overall went very well. I've been working really hard on my ball striking. I've been tweaking a few things here and there, so coming into the week, I knew I had to just really commit to those few things.

I know I might hit a few bad shots here and there, but I know I'm working on the right things, and I keep it going out there. Yeah, today was a good day, so hopefully bring it into the weekend.

Q. We've heard from a ton of players this is a difficult course. Just how difficult is it?

LEXI THOMPSON: It's just a tricky golf course. The greens are -- just a lot of hills in them, a lot of runoffs. You might hit a good shot and then end up off the green, which is always mind blowing.

Yeah, it's tricky. It makes you think a lot more for your second shots into the greens of where you want to place it. It's definitely placement golf, especially -- even on the tee shots. You might want to leave yourself a farther shot in, but just getting it in the fairway, especially to these greens.

Q. Maybe like a frustrating start yesterday, maybe not as low as you would have wanted to go, but to come out today, what switched for you mentally, and what were you able to do better today than maybe yesterday?

LEXI THOMPSON: Today was a lot calmer. Yesterday was very windy. It was kind of windy the whole week, even when I was at home in Palm Beach it was extremely windy to practice in. I knew I was getting the right practice for that, but it was tough scoring conditions.

I didn't hit my best tee balls yesterday, but I came out today and really just tried to focus in on small targets and the few things I've been working and really commit.

Q. New partnership announced yesterday with Maxfli. How cool is that for you? Did the ball help you out today at all around these greens and these runoffs?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's been an honor to be able to represent Maxfli. Looking forward to the partnership with them.

I've been testing the ball for the last month or two, especially in the wind for me. In the wind is the most important ball testing, and I've seen nothing but a little bit lower spin, which is great in the wind, and it does even better in the crosswind. That's super important for me, and I'm looking forward to play it.

Q. Still an afternoon wave to go obviously, but in the mix right now. Mindset heading into the weekend? Do you just go attack? I know you tend to keep things one shot at a time, but do you kind of switch it up when you've got a little bit of blood in the water maybe?

LEXI THOMPSON: Going into this weekend, it's a golf course, yes, you could make birdies. But some of the holes you really just take your pars and run. It's not like, all, right, I'm going to attack each and every pin out there.

It's placement golf really. For me, just focus on the things I've been working on and continue to improve on that and be more and more confident each time I set foot out on the golf course. That's all I can do. See what happens in the result.

Q. Is there anything you'd want to share about what you've been working on.

LEXI THOMPSON: Just kind of the same things, but just getting my timing all right. My swing is not a cookie cutter golf swing, so it's all about timing. For me, it's just being 100 percent confident over each and every shot.

Q. We've been playing golf together since you were really little. I would say one thing that I admire most about you is your consistency. You've been playing for -- is this your 14th year on Tour? Your 14th year on Tour. Tell us how do you stay so consistent? You've always -- I feel like, even in your moments of, quote, unquote, struggle, you always come back strong.

LEXI THOMPSON: I would say just, even through the struggling moments, as hard as it is to say, just stay positive and know that I've been putting in the hard work and just be patient with those things.

Make sure that I'm working on the right things, not just going out to practice and not having a goal in mind. Always have something that I want to improve on in each and every part of my game.

Golf is an up-and-down game. You're going to have your struggles, but it's a matter of getting through those and just being patient for the ups.

Q. I also know you love the gym. When you're home, how many hours are you practicing? How many hours are you putting into the gym? What's your go to? I feel like the gym is your true passion.

LEXI THOMPSON: It really is. It really is honestly. Hopefully starting my own fitness app is my next journey. That's in the process right now. Probably in the gym about an hour or two a day.

Especially when I'm at home. On the road it's a little bit harder. And then golfing about five, six hours a day.

Q. You are going to kill that. Good luck.


Q. Another big announcement for you this week was Capital One's the Match. Can you speak to how excited you are to play not only in that event but alongside Rose and against the guys again.

LEXI THOMPSON: I'm very excited to play in The Match. I've played The Park once or twice, and it's just a very cool atmosphere.

I'm excited to play alongside Rose. Gotten to play with her a few times. She's just an amazing person. And Rory and Max. I think overall it's going to be so much fun.

I think golf needs that variety in golf. I know it's not going to be a team format, but it's still going to be fun playing alongside them and trash talking or whatever it is and just having a good time. And under the lights at 6:30.

It's different. That's what golf needs. I'm very honored to be a part of it.

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