The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Megan Khang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Megan Khang after her third round at the LPGA Drive On Championship. Solid round today, 66. Can you walk us through your round, especially the eagle you had on No. 8?

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, I mean, I saw the pairing last night, saw that I was playing with Mel in a two ball. I love playing with Mel, and that in itself is a great start to my day.

Pretty steady day out there. Wind is definitely challenging, you saw, what, a girl go out with like a 7-under right before I was about to go off. I was like, I guess it's out there.

And, you know, just kind of played steady golf. It was going to be tough. Got very fortunate actually. I thought my ball was in the water. Mel was joking and like, oh, no, you're fine. We got up there and I was like a step from being in the water. Mel was like, I told you so.

For the most part, stayed pretty steady out there. Hit a pretty good shot into 8. Was fortunate enough to make a pretty long putt for eagle and then kind of made a good up and down on 9.

10, a little unfortunate being in the fairway and then having to punch under the tree, but, again, had some really good ball striking moments out there and was able to capitalize. I jokingly said in the scoring room, I said, someone learned how to putt today. It was funny.

Hopefully it kind of trends into tomorrow.

Q. Just coming off last year, coming into this year you stand a little taller, more confident after the win. How much difference did that make in terms of your confidence on the golf course? We know you're confident off the golf course.

MEGAN KHANG: I would like to think I'm pretty confident off the golf course. No, definitely, I mean, I think before the win last year you always wonder if and when it's going to come.

Fortunate for me, I was able to pull it off kind of in Canada in a stressful fashion. But definitely taught me a lot about myself and that like it's a grind out here and it's not over until it's over.

I mean, you know Nelly, Lydia, and Lexi, everyone is kind of behind you, so you just kind of have to keep your head down and keep moving forward. Can't really do anything about what they're doing.

That in itself getting the win down in Canada -- I should say up in Canada -- it definitely taught me a lot about myself and how to handle might have out there and not to get too ahead of myself.

Q. Another Sunday likely in contention. A little bit of golf left to play. What are you looking for tomorrow from yourself and what have you learned about capitalizing in contention, maybe from at that victory and last year?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, these greens are tricky. I'm just hoping to go out there tomorrow, kind of give it a good stroke every time, and I think the past couple days I hit it well.

Again, just couldn't make anything.

You know, I kind of went out there today and told my caddie, Jack, that today we're just going to put good strokes on it; whatever happens, happens. Let's just have fun out there because this wind is a menace. Might as well make some fun out of it.

Again, it's a Sunday, so just kind of embrace the moment.

Q. For you, how do you attack when it's this windy and this challenging? Are you somebody that just lets the ball take it or you play it under the wind?

MEGAN KHANG: I'm a mixture. My caddie and I, you know, I like to play different kind of shots. Again, I like to have fun with the wind. If it calls for me to use the wind to my advantage I'll use it.

But for the most part, kind of just commit to a number and -- there are some variations of shots but for the most part, I'm just trying to be as creative as I can out there and kind of paint a picture.

Q. Last question from me. A friend near the top of the leaderboard as well, Nelly. What maybe competitive battle will you guys have tomorrow?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, it's so funny because I'm staying at her house this week, so I jokingly was like, I don't know if is a she'll talk to me tonight.

No, it's been great. Her caddie, Jason, and Caro Masson is at the house as well and their baby, Benton. We had a baby-filled morning. It's so nice to have that off the golf course.

That itself has been great. I think we use that as a distraction. A baby is one of the best distractions, especially if it's not yours. (Laughter.) You can afford to not pay attention.

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