The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Jasmine Suwannapura

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, we are here after the third round at the LPGA Drive On Championship, third round 69. Walk me through your round and maybe some of the highlights that you felt stuck out today.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Windy. A lot of interesting pin position. I got a really good shot on 14 maybe, making birdie, short birdie.

So just walking and feel the wind, hit the shot, had two foot for birdie.

Q. When the winds are this high do you like to play in the wind or kind of play down?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Maybe not with the wind. You know, just going to do your best with what you got out here. Just there is no expectation this week because first week of the year, and we got some good challenge this week for sure.

Q. And we had a few weeks off for the off-season, what do you do during your time in the off-season to prepare for this event?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I actually live in Orlando, so it's really short drive, two hours here. So I get to come here on Wednesday the week before and spend a lot of time with Amy Yang and all the girls in Orlando; because I used to live in Virginia so practice by myself.

Now get to practice with all the girls, more friends out here, so it's just feel like more home here.

Q. And talk about too when you practice with them, is there a little bit of friendly competition out there playing together?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, every day it's like money game. But it's not that much. It's just, you know, a little bit of challenge on practice round.

But it's fun to be out here.

Q. Yeah. What are you looking forward to in tomorrow's round? Top of the leaderboard. Top 10 right now. What's the mindset going into tomorrow?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Actually surprised that a lot of low score this morning, I believe. Like I said, it doesn't play easy at all today, and then I did my best and we'll see how it's go tomorrow.

It might rain in the morning and the weather going to change. Might be a little cold.

Like I said there is no expectation. I just do my best. And my neighbor is here, so kind of do this hand, Jasmine, so, yeah, you'll see them.

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