The LPGA Drive On Championship

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Lucy Li

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Lucy Li after the final round of the LPGA Drive On Championship. You had a 2-under 69 today. Talk about your round and maybe some of those conditions you mentioned out there.

LUCY LI: Yeah, it was really tough today. Really windy and totally different wind direction from the first three days. I saw that on the forecast yesterday and I was like, just trying to mentally prepare for it.

I got off to a really great start. You know, great par save on 1. Made a really good birdie on 3, which is playing really tough today. Then eagled No. 7, which is my first eagle in a really long time, so really excited about that.

Yeah, and then I just kind of kept it steady coming in. The back nine is tougher than the front nine, and so I had 18 putts on the back nine, but felt like a lot less than that because used to having a lot of good two-putts.

Yeah, it was just a good round. I hit the ball really well. I think the main thing was just being able to hit the fairways today.

Q. And I think last time I saw you was at Q-Series this past year I believe. What did you do in the off-season? Anything fun?

LUCY LI: Honestly the off-season was pretty short. Right after Q-Series I went back to China for a family thing. My grandfather passed away and so that was really tough for me.

But, yeah, I just wanted to take some of his inspiration into this year.

Q. That's awesome. And any goals you have maybe for 2024?

LUCY LI: You know, coming into this year I told myself my goal was just to be able to focus on each tournament at time, and so that's going to be my goal going forward. It's each tournament at a time, each round at a time, each shot at time obviously. And everyone says it, but it's harder to do than you think. That's just kind of my focus for this year.

It's great to get off to a good start. I was kind of nervous coming into this week. This course is pretty tough.

Q. Are you playing in Asia?

LUCY LI: We'll see. I'm waiting for some exemptions, so hopefully.

Q. What will you take from this tournament?

LUCY LI: A lot of positives to see the stuff that I'm working on start to work. You know, mainly just my mental state, just being able to be free and play golf without too much pressure, I think that's the main thing. Yeah, a lot of positives.

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140829-1-1041 2024-01-28 21:32:00 GMT

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