CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburón Golf Club

Xiyu Lin

Flash Interview

Q. 6-under par, 66 today. You mentioned yesterday you're not a big fan of the front nine, but went bogey-free, as you did the entire round. Take me through how getting off to a good start on the front nine helped you throughout today's round.

XIYU LIN: Yeah, yesterday when we have lunch after the round I like told my caddie my only goal for me the next two days is finish under par at the front nine, and I was -- I'm very happy I got it done today.

I think I got off really good start and my putter is really good today and hit lots of solid shot and also chipping really good.

So I'm happy to have a bogey-free round. It's not very easy on this course.

Q. Absolutely not. What makes the front nine challenging for you?

XIYU LIN: I mean, yesterday was so cold in the morning and very windy. Today it's definitely warmer, so the first four, five hole is not playing that hard I think.

I just tried to stay very patient, like kind of just aim at the middle of the green first couple holes and rely on my putter, and I think this is a good strategy for me.

Q. You're right in the hunt, inside the top 10, a chance to climb the leaderboard again tomorrow. How exciting is it with the season-ending event to be right near the top of the leaderboard?

XIYU LIN: I mean, this whole year I have done a lot of changes and I feel like my game is definitely getting better and better.

Last week unfortunately I didn't make the cut, but then this week my coach came over to watch me play couple practice round and we cleared up some things, and I'm happy I'm in this position and very looking forward to have another good round tomorrow.

Q. What were one or two things that you changed this year?

XIYU LIN: Well, I worked really hard with my short game, chipping putting. Long game, it's always been okay, but just make it more clear in my mind. Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103524-1-1041 2020-12-19 19:43:00 GMT

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