CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburón Golf Club

Cristie Kerr

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: All right, Cristie, I know we've talked about the back a lot, but you surely did not look in pain out there today. What was working so well for you?

CRISTIE KERR: Yeah, today is probably the first day where I've had minimal pain. It's my ribs actually.

Q. That's right.

CRISTIE KERR: That's okay. Kind of goes around to the back anyway.

No, I kind of talked to my coach this morning and we talked about some things that we've been working on since the middle of the year. I don't know why I wasn't thinking about those the first to days, but I was able to find a feel.

I still didn't hit it perfect out there, but I got up and down when I needed to and made a lot of birdies and a great eagle at the end.

Q. Couple birdies on the front nine despite the bogey. What was feeling so right in those first couple holes?

CRISTIE KERR: Yeah, definitely came out of the box hitting it very good and giving myself chances. The bogey on 4 was kind of a weird one because we were putting it through the fringe and it kind of hopped and then left me with a tough par putt.

But just lots of chances. On the pins that I could take advantage of I did that today, and where there were tough holes I was able to get up and down and just keep the momentum going.

Q. Take me through the eagle on 17 there.

CRISTIE KERR: Yeah, I mean, that 5-wood seems to be the magic club, right? When I won here in '15 I hit a 5-wood into the green and made eagle, and I hit driver, 5-wood today and made about a similar length putt but not the same pin.

Q. When you have a memory like that that goes through your brain that just helps your confidence as you're closing out the round strong?

CRISTIE KERR: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's why certain people like certain golf courses and have good memories, good feelings.

This place has always been that for me.

Q. What are some of the things you talked about with your coach that certainly changed the momentum for you today?

CRISTIE KERR: Just some swing mechanic stuff.

Q. What did you have in? How far was that second shot?

CRISTIE KERR: We had 109 yards I believe to the hole and 203 three yards to the front. Hit right on the front and it was just real -- I hit a perfect shot. It was a slight draw up against that left/right wind and just kind of made it come down very soft. It was just a beautiful shot.

Q. When is the last time you missed a fairway?

CRISTIE KERR: Oh, I missed plenty of fairways yesterday.

Q. What was working so well with the driver today?

CRISTIE KERR: I just love this Maverick driver. I switched it in the beginning of year and fine tuned the shaft middle of the year.

It's just a really good setup for me.

Q. One last question. One last day here at Tiburon, one last day of the season. What does it mean to be able to compete here at the Tour Championship once again, especially what you've been going through the last couple weeks?

CRISTIE KERR: Yeah, two weeks ago it was very uncertain whether I would even play these two weeks. It's been really nice to be out competing and enjoying the game, so I'm happy to be here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103525-1-1041 2020-12-19 19:53:00 GMT

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