CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburón Golf Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. Alena, what a great finish here at CME. Can you believe that you shot 8-under today? And if so, what was the strongest part of your game?

ALENA SHARP: Well, I made putts today. Coming into today I've had eight three-putts, so I hit it well yesterday and just couldn't make a putt. Had a bad attitude.

Then I came into today and just thinking, okay, it's the last round of the year. I get to go home tonight. Going to get our Christmas tree tomorrow. I just played with no fear, no worries, and made a few birdies early.

Just like everything went in. So nice way to finish the year off.

Q. Exactly. Is there anything that you were hoping to practice in the off-season?

ALENA SHARP: Well, I haven't seen my coach since February, so I'm planning to go see him and work on everything. I got through this year with FaceTime video, but it's not the same as hands-on teaching.

You know, I don't think there is one part I'm going to work on harder than others. I'm just going to go through the checklist of everything with him, because that's Canada and the quarantine is tough.

I'm not sure when that will stop, so I want to make sure when I'm there I get through everything so I'm ready to start the next year in February.

Q. Like you said, it's the end of the year. Looking back now, it can be golf related or not, but what do you think was the best part of this year?

ALENA SHARP: Well, the best part of this year for me is I got married to my partner, Sarah.

Q. What? Is she on the bag?


Q. How has that been?

ALENA SHARP: It's been great.

Q. Has she always been on the bag or just recently?

ALENA SHARP: No, it's been since 2014. We got married right after Tampa. That was the best thing that happened this year for me.

Q. Congratulations.

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, thank you.

Q. Did you guys have to change any plans because of COVID?

ALENA SHARP: We weren't planning on doing it, but when Amy Coney-Barrett got confirmed we thought, Let's not wait any longer. So it was very small. We did Zoom. So most of the family got see it on Zoom and we had nine people there. It was very small.

But it was elegant that way.

Q. Going to be the first Christmas as a married couple.


Q. That's awesome. Congratulations.

ALENA SHARP: Thank you.

Q. My last question: What do you look forward to starting off next year?

ALENA SHARP: I guess just having a break, being energized by being at home for a little while and coming out refreshed after having worked with my coach, Brett.

And work on my mental game in the off-season with my mental coach and just kind of those little things that you do to recharge to start the year. I always do that. I always take time off so I'm really looking forward to that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103566-1-1041 2020-12-20 20:05:00 GMT

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