CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under 67, really solid day for you, five birdies and an eagle on 6. Take us through some of the highlights, especially that eagle on 6.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, the first few holes were probably the hardest, I think, so I got through them 1-under, and I was hitting the ball really well and then holed a very long putt for eagle on 6 to get my round really going, which was fun, and then birdied the next. So I had a really solid front nine.

Then made a couple of mistakes back nine, but I was happy to finish birdie-birdie-par.

Q. Walk us through that 50-foot eagle putt on 6. What was going through your head at that point?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I hit a good 3-wood to the front of the green and I was trying to get up there close for a birdie to be honest. It was perfect pace, and it just fell right in the middle of the hole. Yeah, I was pleased with that one.

Q. 13 of 14 fairways, 17 of 18 greens. How key is ball-striking here at Tiburón?

GEORGIA HALL: Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, my long game was really good, and you have to strike the ball well to hit it close and to get the spin. The greens are rolling really good today, very true, and I found them fairly easy to read, so hopefully that's the case the next few days.

Q. How was the course playing? I know we were supposed to get some weather. I know you said it wasn't as soft as you were expecting, but how did you find Tiburón today?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I was happy I was out first because I thought I would avoid the rain, but it looks like all of us will be. But yeah, the course is in great condition. The greens are probably one of the best that I've played in the last four or five years. I think this week is going to be good condition throughout the next few days, especially better.

Q. How would you sum up your season?

GEORGIA HALL: I mean, I haven't got a win this year, but I would say it's probably been my best season apart from getting a win. I've been contending in a couple of majors, which I was very pleased with, and very consistent this year, as well, and had a very strong kind of middle to back half of the year. So I'd say I'm very happy with the way it's gone.

Obviously I would loved to have got a win and still have got a chance, but yeah, that's just my goal for next year.

Q. Have you done anything different this year than you've done in years past that could be an explanation for the improved consistency?

GEORGIA HALL: Just thinking less and just speeding up on the golf course. Really just trusting my swing. I haven't changed that much this year. I think just work on a bit of short game for next year, but other than that I'll keep my swing the same.

Q. Three more rounds left until the end of the season. What's your mindset for the rest of the week?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, there's a lot of golf to be played here. I had a good strong first round, but that's it for now. I'll go and work on some stuff, but yeah, a lot of golf and you can shoot low around here, so stay pretty aggressive for the next few days.

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