CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 19, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Wichanee Meechai

Quick Quotes

Q. Wichanee Meechai, solid round today. Shot 5-under 67. Three birdies and an eagle. What were some of your highlights out there today, especially that eagle?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Yeah, I actually want to hit hybrid from that shot, but my caddie said like, Okay, just go to the 5-wood so we can cover the bunker.

I agree with him and then just made the putt. But today I hit it so solid. I just couldn't make the putt.

I wish I could make more, but all of them, it's like very good day for me.

Q. You had 29 putts, which isn't too bad. You hit 13 of 14 fairways, 16 of 18 greens. How key is ball striking for you at a course like Tiburon?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I feel like I just have to hit it hard, yeah, just as much as I can today; tomorrow as well.

The plan is gonna be like the same thing.

Q. Obviously played a little damper yesterday. Come out today and the golf course is a little wet. Come out today, it's a little windy. How much has this golf course changed in the course of 24 hours?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: For me, my ball kind of -- I hit it low so I think I like prefer the dry way because it's going to run more so I can have a short club for me. Yeah, but yesterday was fine, too.

Q. Are you a player that's really familiar with bermuda grass, or is it something you've had to work on?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Yeah, I don't really like bermuda. Like I couldn't putt with it. Yeah, I'm trying to work on everything.

Q. When you come to courses in Florida that have a lot of bermuda grass, what's your preparation look like?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Just be patient, yeah, with the greens. Because sometimes you see but it didn't go like what you think, so just be patient with the golf course.

Q. You put yourself in contention. Wind is picking up; don't know what the scores will look like this afternoon, but you're heading into the weekend in a pretty decent spot. What's the mindset heading into Saturday and Sunday?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Try to be patience as well and just hit it close for me so it's easy to make the putt for me. Yeah.

Q. How cool is it to be here at this event, be one of the top 60 in the Race for the CME Globe and have a chance at $1.5 million Sunday?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I'm so proud myself a little bit, because this year I keep playing, you know, very good, better and better.

So just maybe next year I'm going to put my new goal, you know, just to win the tournament. Yeah. That's it.

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114902-2-1053 2021-11-19 19:22:00 GMT

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