CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

MIna Harigae

Quick Quotes

Q. Mina Harigae, another really solid day, 3-under 69. Didn't have a ton of highlights on the card today. Couple birdies and an eagle. Walk us through 17.

MINA HARIGAE: Yeah, 17 I hit probably my best drive of the day, so I had less than 200 yards in, which was nice. And, yeah, just hit a 7-wood up there. It's a new club in the bag. I love that thing. You can just hit to and it stops right where you're trying to hit it.

Q. We were talking about it a little bit earlier. You finished fourth here last year. Tiburon is a place that you just like. What is it that fits your eye so well out here?

MINA HARIGAE: You know, I don't know what fits my eye so well here, but honestly, like almost every tee shot it looks -- fits my eye really well.

Maybe because I'm a draw player, so there is a lot of right to left holes. But, yeah, I don't know. I really like the greens here. Just really fits my eye and I just feel really comfortable out here.

Q. What's your mindset when you have so many players right there bunched up?

MINA HARIGAE: You know, I was thinking about it, and I think just being able to hang around on this course goes a long way.

A bogey can drop you like ten spots and a birdie can jump you ten spots. I think to me I think it's a good thing that it's bunched up.

Q. Will you have Jordans in your mind?

MINA HARIGAE: I'll be shopping tonight. Yeah, maybe. Just going through my Christmas list, but, yeah, I'll be going through some Jordans.

Q. Coming from a position where you were nearly broke going into the 2020 season to a very legitimate opportunity to win the largest first place check in women's golf, what would that mean to you?

MINA HARIGAE: That would be life changing. It would mean everything to me. Tomorrow is another day. Golf is a funny game.

Hopefully I bring out my best tomorrow.

Q. Having been out here for a little bit you've hit your stride the past couple years. How much of a relief, how gratifying is that feeling to be in this situation?

MINA HARIGAE: It feels great just to be comfortable out here. I think that's a really big thing. Comfort and playing well goes hand in hand.

Yeah, just really comfortable with my game.

Q. What's made you more comfortable?

MINA HARIGAE: I think putting for sure is what has improved the most.

Because if you're able to make your five-, six-footer par putts or you're making more 15-, 20-footer birdie putts it makes golf a lot easier that way.

Q. Heading into tomorrow, again, more than likely another windy, windy day out there. How do you keep your nerves and your mind in check and stay focused on the shot in front of you?

MINA HARIGAE: Yeah, just focusing on what's in front of me. I think really slowing down my mind because when my mind starts to race everything else gets quick.

Yeah, just really keeping my mind, slowing it down. Just really like soaking in the moment, because it's a really cool position that I'm in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114937-1-1041 2021-11-20 22:46:00 GMT

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