CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Celine Boutier

Quick Quotes

Q. Here and Celine Boutier. Even par 72. I know it wasn't as low as you were hoping for today, but still tied for the lead heading into Sunday. How would you assess your Saturday?

CELINE BOUTIER: It was pretty tough out there. I feel like I didn't hit it as well as the past two days. I did struggle to make some birdies today.

I mean, it was quite windy, but I was a little bit unsatisfied with my putting today.

Q. How do you put that unsatisfaction out of your mind and refocus heading into Sunday with a share of the lead?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I'm not sure. I think I'm just going to try to get a putting session in and hopefully get some confidence from that.

Q. Seemed like you just had some putts that were right in the jaws or right on the edge, just a few inches short. How does that affect your mindset, and how do you get that out of your head going into tomorrow?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's hard. I feel like especially the first couple of few holes I definitely felt like I was putting really well and just lipped out a few times.

And then it's hard not to let that affect your confidence in putting. Then obviously I was kind of trying to force it a little bit too much on the back, but I also feel like I didn't really put myself that in position that close to the hole.

So it was just like tough from there, too.

Q. Was it difficult to not compare your round today to your round yesterday?

CELINE BOUTIER: Definitely. I mean, I feel like I was just playing such easy golf the past two days and then today I wasn't sure if it was just my game or it was playing that much harder. But it was definitely night and day from yesterday to today.

I don't know. I just hope I can get a good round to finish tomorrow.

Q. When are you going to go work on that putting session?

CELINE BOUTIER: Well, hopefully after the interview.

Q. You have got to have a lot of confidence. You've been in this position a handful of times this year and you've showed up and come up clutch in a big moment. How do you just keep yourself, keep reminding yourself, you know what, I got this, I can handle this tomorrow?

CELINE BOUTIER: It's definitely not easy. I mean, even though I've been in this position before I've only won twice on tour, and there are so many good players in the stretch.

So I just feel like I just, again, have to keep focusing on my game and try to get as confident as I can in my putting tomorrow and see what happens.

Q. Does it make you appreciate those days when it just feels so easy when you have these tougher days to follow up?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, for sure. I'm just not sure what went wrong. Obviously it's not my swing because it can't be that different from one day to another.

I don't know. Today was playing a little bit harder or maybe I wasn't able to hit it as close for sure, I'm not sure why.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114938-1-1041 2021-11-20 22:54:00 GMT

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