CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Charley Hull

Quick Quotes

Q. Charley Hull, 8-under 64. What was going so well for you out here today at Tiburon that you just found a low round?

CHARLEY HULL: Been playing pretty well all week to be fair. Just the second round let me down, 3-over. But over the weekend I think I was 13 -- was it 13 or 12 -- yeah, 13-under for the weekend, which is pretty good.

Just been hitting it pretty well. Mind is pretty good. Holed a few putts.

So it was nice.

Q. What were some of your highlights today, personal highlights?

CHARLEY HULL: I'd say my eagle on No. 17. And then lipped out for eagle on No. 5 as well, so, yeah, I just feel like my irons have been pretty good.

Q. How would you evaluate your 2021 season? It's been a long couple years.


Q. You've had a lot going on with all the travel.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's been all right. Not too bad. Got a win in as well on the Ladies European Tour, which is quite good, couple weeks ago.

I've been playing some good golf. Just sometimes struggle in my rounds, but, yeah, good form going on to next year. It's just been a bit of a tricky season because of the COVID. It's been crammed all into a short period of time.

Been away from home for quite a lot, so, yeah, looking forward to some off time.

Q. Speaking of a lot of positives for you this season, one win, obviously playing on the winning Solheim Cup team again.


Q. What positives are you going to carry with you into the off-season and 2022?

CHARLEY HULL: Actually been hitting it really well, and I've noticed I've been hitting it better since -- when I go home I just don't hit balls for a few days, because usually I practice a lot.

So maybe practicing a bit less actually helps me. Having time off to recover is actually a lot better.

Q. That's an uncommon thing to hear from a golfer.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it is, yeah.

Q. Where will we see you next?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it will be Florida for the Boca event. Yeah.

Q. You excited?


Q. Is there a reason why you're not excited?

CHARLEY HULL: Because I want Christmas first. That's a long time away. So, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114967-1-1041 2021-11-21 19:25:00 GMT

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