CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Megan Khang

Quick Quotes

Q. Megan Khang, 6-under 66 today. I mean, where do we start? Let's start with the hole-out on 13. Just walk us through that shot.

MEGAN KHANG: No, it was awesome. I mean, I was a little frustrated with myself. I hit a really good shot into 12, the hole before, and missed a shorter putt for birdie.

So Jack was right up there with the tee ball saying like, Hey, chin up. We still got plenty of holes. And sure enough, like drive down the fairway and perfect little soft 8-iron into the wind. I didn't see it go in, but I knew it was on a great line and I saw the crowd's reaction, so it was awesome to see.

Q. How gratifying is it? You've had a heck of a week heck of a season. How gratifying is it to close on such a high note here at the season finale?

MEGAN KHANG: It's always a great feeling to shoot 6-under, whether it's at the beginning of the year, at the end of the year.

I mean, we knew we had someone to chase, and Jin Young looked like she got it started pretty early, so it definitely motivated us. And as a team, Jack and I kind of really stayed patient out there. This is only our fourth week together, and so we're still figuring each other out.

I think this shows we've got really great potential for the future.

Q. Did you do a little dance there or something when that went in?

MEGAN KHANG: No. I kind of like just raised my hands up and I think I was like, Oh -- I literally was like, Oh, I can't make a three-footer but I can make 130 yards. I was joking around with Jack.

Other than that, we tried to really not get too high out there and focus on the task at hand.

Q. When did you see what Jin Young was doing?

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, it's hard not to no notice. There are so many scoreboards out there. I don't know how many holes they were behind us, maybe two or three holes behind us, and, I mean, pretty sure she birdied right off the bat.

It's always great when you start off with a birdie. I knew what I had to do to try to put a low number out there. And, again, it was nice to just have that like push me to play better.

Q. It's been a crazy two-year stretch. Just assess the end of your 2020 into 2021. What grade would you give yourself hypothetically?

MEGAN KHANG: I would say like a B. There is always work to be done. Always work in the off-season, you can always, always work on. I know my dad's one of my biggest critics because he's also my coach. He texted me this morning saying, All right, we're shooting for 65.

Walked off the course, looked at Jack and I go, My dad is gonna be mad at 66.

I mean, because definitely -- I definitely could have got it out there. It was out there for me. I mean, it's hard to be disappointed with a 66, but it definitely was there.

You know, I know it's there. It just helps me kind of push for the future for me.

Q. What are you going to be working on in the off-season?

MEGAN KHANG: Definitely some putting. I mean, you can never do enough practice with putting. Definitely some wedges. My wedges weren't as great as I like them today.

And overall just kind of tune up everything and get ready for the next season.

Q. There was any background on the caddie switch you can get into?

MEGAN KHANG: No, so like I've known Jack for quite a while. My old caddie, Kurt, he's here this week. It was kind of like right after -- this is going to sound so bad -- it was right after Solheim and I just felt like I needed a little changeup.

You know, Jack was actually the first guy to reach out to me. He messaged me like the day after and I was kind of like, Oh, how did he find out already? Because I didn't tell anyone that I split, that we had split.

And like I knew I liked his personality, I knew we would get along as just friends beforehand.

And so just kind of really was like, Let's give to a go and see how we do.

Q. If I told you that a player hit 62 straight greens what would you think?

MEGAN KHANG: That's pretty good.

Q. Yeah, that's what Jin Young Ko's streak is right now.

MEGAN KHANG: Oh, wow. You don't really have to wonder why she's shooting so well then, huh.

Q. Yeah.


Q. With Thanksgiving coming up this week, what are some of the things you're thankful for?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, I'm definitely thankful to be able to play out here and just do what I love for a living.

I mean, my parents sacrificed everything so I'm always thankful for everything they gave you to give me the opportunity.

And I'm thankful for sponsors, the tour, but just kind of always the people around me. Like I'm always surrounded by great people. It's just something I don't take for granted because it's tough to get out there and kind of find your I guess core group that you get along with and really have the same values.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114969-1-1041 2021-11-21 20:29:00 GMT

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