CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid final round of the 2021 season. Bogey-free 6-under par 66 at the CME Group Tour Championship. How good did it feel to end the year like that?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, really good. I feel like the last couple years I couldn't really take advantage of the last tournament, but this year I played really well.

So I'm happy that I finished on the on a good note.

Q. You had an eagle there on No. 17. Take us through that hole and how you managed to find an eagle.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I just hit it down the middle of the fairway and then I had 2-- meters to the pin and I hit 5-wood onto the green; holed the putt, which was about 23 feet. Roughly.

Q. You only missed eight greens in regulation this week. Early Jin Young Ko had reached 60 straight greens this week.

MINJEE LEE: That's really cool.

Q. Obviously she's having a great ball striking week. You yourself as well, an exemplary week. Take us through how the swing felt and how good the game felt to end the year.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I felt like I drove the ball really well and hit a lot of good iron shots.

My iron play has been pretty solid. Pretty much after Evian I was quite consistent throughout the back half of the year, so I think I just missed a couple putts here and there, probably some short opportunities today, but overall had a really good week.

Q. You had what seemed like a makable birdie putt there on 16. Did that eagle just kind of make you feel a lot better after that?

MINJEE LEE: You know, I actually had quite a few opportunities today. Just a little bit on my speed was off.

So, I mean, just to have a birdie, an eagle on 16, 17, I think it was just cherry on top.

Like I just had good holes.

Q. How did your perception of yourself change, or has it, since you won Evian and became a major champion? Has life been any different?

MINJEE LEE: Actually personally, not really. I mean, I'm still the same person, but I think golf-wise I've just been a little bit -- I think I have been able to play a little more freely and just have a little bit of -- bit more confidence I think, just from Evian and also British.

So I think that's why I could finish the year off strong.

Q. Just want to hit with you the stat here; see what you thought about it. If there was a player out there that hit 62 straight greens, what would you say?

MINJEE LEE: That's Jin Young Ko. No, that's a pretty amazing stat. She's an amazing ball-striker and player overall. That's why she's at the top of the leaderboard again.

But that's pretty amazing.

Q. What was it like out there today as you're trying to make your run up the leaderboard and you keep looking and she keeps adding to -- stacking birdies up there? It?

MINJEE LEE: You know, I didn't actually get to see the leaderboard too much. Obviously she is, so...

Actually the conditions today were probably were easier than the second and third days, so I don't think there is too much wind to factor in today.

I thought it was going to be windier but it wasn't and the conditions are perfect out there.

Q. How would you assess your season in totality?

MINJEE LEE: I mean, I won a major championship, so it's probably the best year yet. So if I win another major, then that will be the best year yet.

In it's been a great year.

Q. And then off-season plans?

MINJEE LEE: Just going to have a great holiday. I mean, just good rest of going to spend Thanksgiving here, so, yeah.

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114970-1-1041 2021-11-21 20:37:00 GMT

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