CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Mina Harigae

Quick Quotes

Q. Mina Harigae after a 5-under 67. Looks like you're going to finish up T3. How gratifying is it to finish so strong here this year?

MINA HARIGAE: I mean, it's almost -- it's almost a perfect way to end the season. I mean, winning would've been great, but there were some like spectacular golf played by everyone here.

So it's a great way to end the season for me.

Q. What are some of the positives you're taking away from 2021?

MINA HARIGAE: I think just being able to -- like I just got more and more comfortable in these kind of situations. You know, I'm here because of all my failures, so every time I would play well in the final round I just kind of kept that in my back pocket and think, This is really good for my confidence.

So, yeah, I'm really close.

Q. Well, speaking to that, last year you finished fourth here; now T3. Getting better.


Q. How did you find Tiburon today in such a pressure-packed situation?

MINA HARIGAE: The course was in amazing shape again. Definitely less wind, so I think that's why we saw a lot of birdies out there.

But I'm happy that I was able to hit some good shots and make some good putts.

Q. What are your plans looking ahead to the off-season?

MINA HARIGAE: I think I'm just going to take a few days off, like a week off, really decompress, see my family for the holidays.

But I'm honestly ready to get back working on it and get better.

Q. Are you the kind of player that takes a true off-season or are you more of I'm going to take a week, two or three days, and get right back into it?

MINA HARIGAE: I used to be one of those take a real off-season off. Like I've taken five weeks off before.

But I think now thanks to my fiancée Travis, I'm more like a week off and then got to go back and grind.

Q. And being at the age you were, early 30s, I feel like we start to kind of see players mature and come into theirselves at that age. It's taking you a little bit longer than I think you would've preferred, but how exciting is it to start to finally bloom and see your game blossom?

MINA HARIGAE: Really exciting. I think so far my 30s have been amazing, way better than when I was in my 20s. Think I had a lot of growing up to do as well.

So I just feel like I'm -- myself and my game has matured.

Q. What are you looking forward to in 2022?

MINA HARIGAE: More good golf. More birdies. Yeah, I'm just going to try to keep improving little by little.

Q. And final question: With Thanksgiving coming up this next week, I know you probably got a lot to be thankful for after a great 2021, but what are you personally thankful for on and off the golf course?

MINA HARIGAE: I'm thankful for so many things. First off I'm thankful for my family, for the support through the ups and dawns. I'm thankful for my fiancée Travis Kreiter. I wouldn't be here without him.

I'm also thankful to all my sponsors, PXG especially. They took a chance on me early when I start to play well and I'm really glad I had their support. Superstition Mountain Golf Club. Yeah, and Jordan Brand for providing me with the golf shoes, all the golf shoes I want.

Yeah, just I'm just thankful for everybody and anyone -- everyone and anyone that's had my back and on my team.

Q. Speaking of Jordans, have you figured out how much that check is going to translate into how many?

MINA HARIGAE: I don't know exactly how much I made, but I think I deserve like a pair or two. A nice pair or two.

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114974-1-1041 2021-11-21 20:50:00 GMT

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