CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Lexi, four rounds in the 60s again here at Tiburon, a place that you just love. How would you assess your week?

LEXI THOMPSON: It was overall an amazing week. Not only was the course in great shape for us, but Terry Duffy and all the hospitality, the fans, volunteers, it's just a top notch event.

I always love coming back here. The fans were amazing this weekend. It's just a great event overall. I'm very happy with how I finished the last few weeks of the year.

I know I've been working being extremely hard, but I'll be right back here in two weeks playing in the QBE Shootout, so I'm looking forward to that.

Q. A lot the people tend to take some time off. With the QBE Shootout here you'll have a little bit later break than other people. How excited are you for like such a fun event, just to relax and enjoy golf?

LEXI THOMPSON: I really am. Yeah. I love team events and just being around the guys. Growing up with two older brothers that play golf as well I grew up around the guys playing.

So it's kind of more of my comfort zone. But I absolutely love the event in general. QBE does amazing things with it. I'm very excited to be paired up with Bubba.

I've never played with him or seen him play in person, so I'm excited to watch.

Q. How would you assess your 2021? It's been a heck of a two years. With everything that's gone on this year, what grade would you give yourself?

LEXI THOMPSON: Overall, I mean -- a grade? I don't really want to give myself a grade, but I think overall a lot of positives to take from the year.

I played some great golf, especially towards the end. I've put in a lot of hard work, working with Martin Hall out there and just putting in the hours and the practice.

Especially on the mental side as well. I feel like I was in a much better place, especially coming towards the end of the year just mentally.

I just had more of a good time out there and I had some good, consistent finishes. Just going to take that into 2022.

Q. What are your plans for the off-season besides the QBE Shootout with Bubba?

LEXI THOMPSON: Not too much. After that in December just spend some time with my family and friends, spend the holidays at home. That's what I'm really looking forward to the most.

Other than that, I'll be going to Vegas next weekend, so I'm really looking forward to that. Just spending Thanksgiving at home as well.

So I'm very family oriented, so just being around my family does wonders for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114976-1-1041 2021-11-21 21:08:00 GMT

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