CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Anna, one of the first ones to come in and pretty good score to start the day off. Just how are you feeling after day one at CME?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I'm really happy. It was blowing a ton out there. This morning was cold. I think I hit a 19-degree hybrid on my second hole that probably went 165, and it's normally my 195.

So, yeah, I feel like I hit a lot of fairways, I hit a lot of greens. I actually made a couple of good putts out there, which probably was the difference compared to the last couple of weeks.

So just very happy. Sophia played really well too, so we had a good rhythm in the group.

THE MODERATOR: What was it like to bounce birdies off of each other like that?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, she got top of a rocket start there. Made a couple of putts and hit a few close. So I was just trying to, like, keep up (laughing).

9 was playing really hard, like, downwind, so bogey there. Then made the turn at 1-over. So just really proud of myself for hanging in there and having a good back nine.

THE MODERATOR: I know you've been on the road for a couple of weeks. What's it like to get to the tour season finale here?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, unfortunately, I had to play just to try to get into this week. It's been a solid year. I mean, I only really missed one cut this year. Just with the points system the way it works, like, I feel like I had to go back to Japan, which was a long trip after coming back to the U.S. after Korea.

Played solid last week in Tampa. Just didn't really quite get anything going on the greens, but always you're proud to be here and be one of the 60 that tees it up this week.

It's been a solid year without really getting anything going this year. So I'm just proud of myself for fighting and putting myself in a position to get here.

THE MODERATOR: Absolutely.

Q. You have had an insane travel schedule. What are your tips for dealing with jet lag and keeping your sanity?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, it's been hard the last couple of weeks. I did Arizona-New York, New York-Korea, Korea-Arizona, Arizona-Japan, Japan-Tampa, and then Tampa here.

Yeah, it's been a long year, but I finally started feeling a little bit better. But even after the summer, I was on the road for eight weeks and ended up pulling out of the Canadian Open because I had nothing left in the tank. Especially not after that wedding.

So it's just hard the way our schedule is and then to where the locations are. I'm a good sleeper on airplanes. I guess that's my saving grace. But, in general, I just try to sleep as much as I can, but last week I couldn't fall asleep past midnight. It was a lot of early mornings. So this morning felt pretty early getting up in the 5:00-s, but happy to be done and probably be catching up on some sleep this afternoon.

Q. You mentioned that it was a solid year without really getting anything going. What do you think was kind of missing in that?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Honestly, it's been a really -- I haven't really made any putts all year, what it seems like. As far as ball-striking, it's probably better if not, like, my most consistent year tee-to-green.

But, yeah, if you can't make those putts or you can't create any momentum, it makes it a little bit harder. But in general, I feel like I've been close. Maybe a couple of good rounds of the week, but just feel like it just hasn't really clicked 100%.

Q. You mentioned the wind earlier this morning, but your back nine was phenomenal there. You talked about making some of those putts out there. What were some of the more memorable birdies for you on the back nine?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I made a 15-footer on 10 and a 10-footer on 11. Probably another 10-footer on 13. I gave myself a good chance on 14 and then made probably a 20-footer on 16, which was awesome. Then I was just in the front edge of the green on 17.

Just felt like I gave myself a lot of chances. You're not going to -- with the wind and with some of the pins just leaving myself in the right spots on the greens.

THE MODERATOR: What will you take away from today as you head into tomorrow

ANNA NORDQVIST: I feel like I hit a lot of good shots into the wind. Trusting the ball flight, and definitely trusting some of those. It's a hard opening couple of holes. I feel like I hit a lot of good swings. Just stayed patient with it.

In general, you know, get some rest, and I'm ready for three more rounds and then I'm going to pack it in (laughing).

THE MODERATOR: And go back to the dog.

Q. Can I ask a Solheim Cup question real quick? What's been your role so far and your role? What have you been doing?

ANNA NORDQVIST: It was always a dream of mine to be a Vice Captain under my good friend Suzann Pettersen. So once she became captain, I messaged her and she called me. We kind of both had thought the same thing. Just very proud to be part of her team. Yes, I would like to play.

Q. My next question.

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yes, a lot of people ask me that too, but I love the Solheim Cup. It's just one of those highlights that keeps making me push and want to get better.

So far I think given that I play on both of the Ladies European Tour and the LPGA, I think it's easy because you're there with the players. It's nice you kind of ask them a little bit about feedback. I know most of the girls and getting to know some of the young Swedish girls, crushing it this year.

So it's just nice to I think just still play and have a good feeling. It saved Suzann a little bit of work. We're going to have a meeting next week, and I know they're going to get together and play Finca around Ladies European Tour final. We played Finca in August, and what an mazing track.

Yeah, just bits and pieces here and there. If I can help in any way, I like to, but I get the feeling that Suzann knows what she's doing.

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