CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Amy Yang

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Amy Yang. Nice way to start your week out here. 4-under today. A little up and down on the front nine, but really solid on the back nine. What did you find on the back nine that was working a little bit better for you?

AMY YANG: I wouldn't say my game was sharp today. Especially my long games. But a lot of them were very manageable.

Even the missed shots, like, some of them were off the wasted area, but I hit them really good. Gave my chance to make some birdies. That really gave me some good momentum through the round. I think that was really -- yeah, that was it.

THE MODERATOR: What stood out today? Any personal highlights out there? I'm sure there were a couple of those up-and-downs that were pretty good?

AMY YANG: Yeah, a couple of them were off the wasted area. One time I hit it, like, 1 foot away, and that gives me a lot of confidence going forward in the game.

A couple of longer putts that went in also. So overall I wouldn't say it was a very solid, like, sharp shots out there, but my game was pretty solid, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: How did you adjust to the wind? I know this golf course usually plays pretty windy and I know you are pretty used to that, but how did you adjust today?

AMY YANG: I didn't expect to get windy this much because last three rounds was warm and less wind, but we play many golf courses where it's really windy. So discussed with my caddie, played some extra clubs, and adjusted aiming and things like that, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Final one from me. You've been dealing with some injury this year. I know it's been kind of plaguing you. To have a round like this in the final event with so much on the line, just how gratifying is it to see all the hard work you've put in pay off and to get back from that injury?

AMY YANG: It's still going on, so I'm going to need to really work on it. But actually the injury made me -- how do you say -- like more comfortable with my game. Just more letting go of pressure. I think that really helped.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
127216-1-1878 2022-11-17 18:26:00 GMT

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