CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Danielle Kang. Nice sporty little 6-under 66, bogey-free today. Just walk me through that round out there.

DANIELLE KANG: I hit my driver really well today. Do a little Titleist plug. The TSR is working really, really nicely. I've been working a lot of different -- been working on a lot of different mechanics with Butch and I know he's simplified a lot of things.

I have a bunch of notes written on my glove because I can't remember the basics of it, but when I do it correctly, I miss it in the right places. I'm having more opportunities. I know it's just Thursday, but I'm really happy that I put a really good round together today.

So taking it day by day.

THE MODERATOR: Those mechanical changes, you would think those would've come sooner. What was the motivation to make those changes now?

DANIELLE KANG: A little less stress on my back. Been able to be able to play a bit more effortless golf I guess. I don't weigh that much, but I tried to put on some weight just to have more power.

Butch believes that I have enough power. I'm just not using that efficiently, so we're trying to manipulate that a bit more.

These changes have been coming for months. It's something that I'm still working on, and I'm putting together some good rounds these last couple months. These are kind of bonuses for me. I know it's still progress, so I'm happy with the results.

Q. As is the case always here at Tiburon Golf Club, the wind picked up today. How did that change the golf course?

DANIELLE KANG: It does play tough, definitely. I get really stressed out on No. 9 and No. 18 specifically, because I don't hit it as high as some girls out here, and if I get caught on a downslope, then even with my 7-iron I don't think I can hold the green.

So that's kind of the things that I worry about when I get to those holes. But I trusted my mechanics and I threw one really high on No. 9 and I still ran over the green. But I feel good with my putting right now, so as long as I can putt somewhere around, I'm feeling good.

Q. You gained distance with that TSR at all?

DANIELLE KANG: You know, I'm just not like the dudes out on the PGA TOUR. Even if I gain distance it's like four yards. But do I hit it further with my other club than my other one. My TSR went in my bag right away. But if I hit it further it's like four to six yards. Hit it shorter it's like five yards.

Q. Okay. Did you work with Butch a lot last week coming into this event?

DANIELLE KANG: I had to, yeah. I was in Korea for a month, so I needed to kind of tune up the game. I always keep in contact with him so he knows where I'm standing and where I'm at with the game and all that.

But, yeah, we did -- he went on the golf course with me. He watched how I played. We all have the same goal in mind and I know where he wants me to get to. As long as I know that visual, we always kind of work on things to get there.

Yeah, I saw him probably like four days out of five. (Laughter.)

Q. Oh, wow. How long are your sessions each time?

DANIELLE KANG: You know, really depends. Like I know a lot of times if it's golf lessons, some people think it's an hour or two hours. I just hang out.

He doesn't have to watch me or hit balls all the time. He just does his thing. I'm playing at Rio Secco, he comes out and watches me play nine holes, kind of goes back inside, and then I see him at 4.

If he's around, so...

Q. You have had quite a year. I'm curious, health-wise how do you feel? Is this something that is still on your mind a lot? Are you able to push it aside?

DANIELLE KANG: I really wish at one point we can just get to a point where I don't want to be associated with so much health things as I'm here, I'm standing in front of you guys, I'm playing golf.

Body and being physically in the top best shape is something we're always going to be thinking about as athletes. So the way I warm up, the way I have to approach certain type of things, is -- there has been obstacles that's been set in front of me, but that's kind of part of life, right? Nothing is going to be fluid.

But I'm really happy to be standing in front of you guys doing the best that I can. I put some good golf rounds together and I finished really well a few times, and hopefully I can get a W, and, yeah, finish off the year really well.

I'm just excited for next year. I think there is a lot of different things that are coming my way next year, intensely, unintentionally, but I'm excited for what's to come, yeah.

Q. That's quite a tease.

DANIELLE KANG: I know. A lot of things are changing actually next year. I know John was laughing. It's sometimes just not my call, but you kind of have to, like I said, roll with the punches.

I'm trying to adjust to that and kind of finish off the season this week with, you know, just a good mind, full heart with the people that I worked with, and, yeah, I'm just happy that I put a really good round today and game is feeling good.

Course is in really good shape. I played with one of the owners and he was really nice. I told him I'm not just saying it because he was in the group, but the course is in really good shape. (Laughter.)

Q. Last one from me. What did that month in Korea do for you from a mental and personal standpoint? That had to be a great break.

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah. Inbee forced me to get on a plane, so I didn't want to come back. Actually there is a picture of her packing my stuff because I wouldn't pack.

But I really thank Inbee and her family taking care of me for a month actually. I stayed with her most of the time. I was just so happy out there. It was a great time for me.

The people that I got to be with, the friends that I got to see, the people that I got to play golf with. I know that I'm a professional golfer and I should focus, but sometimes just playing golf for fun and my friends are shooting 150 was really fun to watch and play with.

I guess it really matters. Who you're doing things with and where you are at really does matter. So I'm very thankful for the people that are in my life. I think that's something that I learned this year.

Q. Danielle Kang, she has just been on a run of great golf in recent weeks. Got rolling here today with that bogey-free 66. What's been the key to the consistency the last few weeks?

DANIELLE KANG: Not sure. I'm hitting it well. I'm working on a lot of different things with Butch. My swing is a bit different. I don't know if people have noticed a lot of the mechanic difference, but it's easier, I guess. The misses are a bit better.

I'm working a lot on my short game. I have a putter change this week. That's working really well.

Yeah, I was actually really happy about my round today because it's been very stock golf, wasn't that stressed. I miss-hit some shots, but I was able to save them and I had a lot of fun out there.

Q. Sounds like a lot of different changes you made to your game.


Q. Which one do you feel like is having the biggest impact right now and the great golf that we're seeing?

DANIELLE KANG: I guess lately I played better than I anticipated. These are all kind of bonuses for me. I didn't realize that swing mechanic changes that we made for me to be able to swing freer has helped me be a bit -- dispersion narrowed down, so I have more birdie opportunities, better up and down opportunities than before.

I think that's what I noticed today, as in I just blocked a 5-iron one time and I said, oh, that would've been way -- this is a way easier up and down than where I would've been if I missed it.

So those are the things that I think Butch is sneaking that into my game so I'm happy about that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
127229-1-1041 2022-11-17 22:09:00 GMT

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