CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Lydia Ko who lit it up out there today. 7-under, 65. I know you had a bogey on the card, but, man, seven or eight other birdies. Four in a row on the back nine. Just walk me through those four holes.

LYDIA KO: Not the greatest start. Not the start that I had envisioned going to sleep yesterday, but I knew that there were plenty of golf to be played.

You know, no matter what circumstances, I think with the wind being up today, it was going to be a tough few stretch of holes to start. So I just wanted to not get too caught up with how I started and just stay patient out there.

I think that's going to be a big key this week. It's 72 holes. The LPGA's top 60 players are here this week, so you know that you're going to -- there's going to be so much good golf. You're just trying to play as good golf as the others (laughing).

When I actually saw a couple of the low ones, it was a bit of a head-scratcher. I was, like, man, maybe there is a 66 out there. But I just enjoyed it, and I think especially on the back nine when I did have the birdie opportunities, I was able to take that and convert it into a birdie.

So, yeah, overall I think it was a really solid day. Hopefully that's good momentum for the next three days.

THE MODERATOR: How did you adjust with the wind out here tonight? Everybody knows this golf course is going to play windy, but how do you kind of switch your mind from what you dealt with in the practice rounds to today?

LYDIA KO: I think we've played this golf course in so many different times of wind conditions. I would say, like, this north wind is probably -- it makes the golf course a lot tougher than the south wind just because the holes that are a little trickier they're playing into the wind.

At the end of the day we're all playing the same golf course in the same conditions, so it's not like if it's tricky for me, I think it's tricky for everyone as well. I think you just have to stay calm out there and know that if you do make a mistake, there's probably going to be a birdie opportunity on the other hand as well.

I think just taking it one hole at a time, and that's what I've been trying to do. Sometimes when you think I'm out there for four and a half, five hours, it seems like a long day of golf, but if I break it down to one hole and then 18 holes, it doesn't feel like much. I think that's a good way for my mindset to kind of be and just be confident and free out there.

THE MODERATOR: I feel like we've talked a lot about here this week about obviously winning here in the past. Getting off to a good start like this, what's your mindset now? You have three rounds left. There's a lot of stuff on the line. I know you're not somebody that really focuses on that kind of thing, but what are you thinking about now that you've got off to such a hot start?

LYDIA KO: I think after my bogey, I'm, like, man, I don't know what today is going to be like, but I was kind of able to kind of swing that around and then make it into a good day. There is still so much golf to be played.

I think I finished 8-under -- or shot 8-under on the last round last year, so I know that I've played really well here before. Then I've had some very mediocre days as well.

I think when you come to a golf course where you've played for quite a bit, you are able to gauge that, hey, you're going to have some of those good days and bad days, but I'm hoping to kind of bring it all together.

The last time I won here was in 2014, nine years ago, and a lot of things have happened since then. I think the level of play has kept getting better and better in my time on tour. So I know that probably if I did exactly the same thing, I may not be the one holding the trophy in the present.

So I'm just trying to play the best golf I can. I think that's all I can do. I just want to focus on me and just play without any regrets. I know that if I play -- me playing confidently and freely, you know, that's a big goal of mine, and that has been a goal this whole year.

If I can do that, I think whatever I shoot I won't have any regrets with that.

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