CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 18, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Nasa Hataoka. Really solid round. I know that wasn't the finish you were looking for, but played really well today. Just assess that round.

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, I made seven birdies in this windy day. I played really good.

THE MODERATOR: How did you adjust to the windy conditions? What changes did you make to your strategy?

NASA HATAOKA: I think I just did my tempo, my swing to make sure that it doesn't get fast.

THE MODERATOR: What is it that you like at this golf course? You tend to play pretty well here.

NASA HATAOKA: I don't really think that way, though, because there are some difficult holes, so yeah.

THE MODERATOR: You played pretty well here last year, right? So what lessons maybe did you learn last year from playing really well? Were there certain places that you planned to hit the golf ball? Was there something you were using from your experience last year to this year?

NASA HATAOKA: I think because of the greens being difficult, I think I concentrated on being careful how I read the greens.

THE MODERATOR: They're pretty fast too. This golf course is pretty simple, but it seems like when the wind picks up, the greens get a little quick. Did you find that it gets a little harder when that happens?

NASA HATAOKA: Yes, I think I concentrated on keeping that in mind that the wind and the greens change as it goes, so I think that's what I concentrated on.

THE MODERATOR: It's a little too early to talk about Sunday, but you've had a really solid year this year. Had that win at the DIO Implants LA Open. How would you assess your season up to this point? I feel like you've had some close calls, played some really good golf.

NASA HATAOKA: I think I was really trying hard to try to win a major, but with all the majors finished and my point is trying to get two wins in a row, so I think I'll go with this one. I'll try my best.

THE MODERATOR: Let's talk about that. If you do win this week, obviously that $2 million check on Sunday, it's the largest in women's golf right now. What would you spend it on? What would be your first purchase?

NASA HATAOKA: I want to thank the sponsors for making it such a big prize. On the other hand, it's little too big that I have no idea how to think it, but I guess for the time being I'll maybe use it to get my golf condition better.

THE MODERATOR: Then just finally, mindset heading into the weekend?

NASA HATAOKA: I think just like last year, I just want to do my best and be at the top as much as I can, and that will kind of satisfy me, so we'll see how it goes.

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