CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 18, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Anna Nordqvist. Good solid round today, 3-under.

ANNA NORDQVIST: The hit the ball really well today. I gave myself a lot of opportunities on the right side of the hole, but struggled kind of getting the putts to drop a little bit. I mean, I made three birdies in a row inside 4 feet, so that certainly helped.

Yeah, no, I hit a lot of good shots. Kind of got robbed there on 8. I think I hit the pin and came back 20 feet. So just kind of one of those days, but overall if I play really solid and kind of stretch my golf, it's always awesome in wind like this.

THE MODERATOR: Haven't made a bogey in 27 holes. I mean, you're doing something right. What are you seeing this week that's working a little bit differently?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Honestly, there hasn't been anything differently this week than before today. Yesterday I made a couple of 10-, 15-footers, and that was the difference. I played solid last week too, but just didn't have the best week on the greens.

Overall, I mean, I feel like I'm not really doing anything different, to be honest. Just making a lot of good shots in some tough pins, so I'm really proud of myself for that.

THE MODERATOR: What have you been working on with your putting specifically?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, putting has been a little bit of (laughing) -- last couple of weeks kind of stopped doing what I was doing and just trying to go back to speed.

But, you know, when you feel like you're hitting good rolls and they aren't going in, it's just such a small line today. I felt like I hit a lot of good rolls. It was so close to going in, but they didn't. But you get one or two of those to drop, and it makes a world of a difference.

Just keep doing good speed on the greens, and I know they'll drop eventually.

THE MODERATOR: You're a player that holds herself to pretty high standards. How do you stay patient when they aren't falling, and you're, like, I'm doing everything right. Why aren't they going in?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I feel like that's been a little bit of the story this year. I feel like I'm getting better at it. I think when it's tough conditions, you're not really going to give yourself as many opportunities sometimes, but I feel like I've been doing a really good job of that.

So, you know, some weeks are better than others, but it's obviously continued work that I'm working on, but I wish sometimes I was a little stronger and staying a little bit more patient, but I feel my patience has been pretty good this week.

THE MODERATOR: Just mindset. Going to be chasing heading into the weekend, but you're a player that knows what that's like, so what's the mindset?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Lydia is obviously playing amazing. I think she's 13-under, and she loves this place. She's shown it before, and what she's done this year in general especially this week with Player of the Year on the line. She's just been playing amazing.

All I can do is play my best, and we'll see where puts me at the end of the week. Just going to continue what I've been doing, and hopefully it will pay off.

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