CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Brooke Henderson who had a day here at the CME Group Tour Championship. 7-under, had two eagles on the card, went bogey-free. What was different maybe today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, today everything seemed to go really well, which was an mazing feeling. You know, to get two eagles on the day, two par-5s, that really gives you that extra little bonus and a little bit of momentum, which was great. One was a chip in, and one was just a putt.

So to get those and no bogeys on the day, that was kind of clutch. My first round, no bogeys. Yesterday I had enough bogeys for the whole week I think, and then to bounce back today feels really great.

It's nice to see the top of the leaderboard, but I know there's tons of golf still to be played. The leaders are only through a few holes, so I'm sure I'll fall down a little bit, but if I could have another day like this tomorrow, that would be really nice.

THE MODERATOR: Walk me through those two eagles. I know you chipped in on one and just what happened on 17 as well?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, most of the par-5s around here are gettable, and you want to walk away with at least a birdie. Yesterday I was making a lot of pars on par-5s, so I was definitely coming into today trying to capitalize on opportunities.

I was able to hit 17 in two and just had about 20 feet or less for eagle and was able to make that. Then number 6, which really got my day in a good spot, I was just short of the green, short right in two and was able to pitch in from 28 yards. So, yeah, you know, it was really exciting to have those little extra things happen today and look forward to hopefully something special tomorrow.

THE MODERATOR: You mentioned it today, yesterday wasn't the day you were really looking for. Did that kind of fire you up a little bit and kind of give yourself, hey, let's go for broke, we don't have anything to lose now?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, yesterday was not great. Just coming into in week, honestly, I wasn't even sure if I was going to be playing so I was just grateful to be in the field and grateful to have the opportunity to play. I was just hoping to make it through four days.

Now standing here on the third day, you know, I'm feeling pretty good. So I'm excited to play tomorrow and to finish the event. That was the biggest thing coming into this week.

But now having the day I had yesterday even though I wasn't feeling the best, it still is tough on you to have a day when you know you can be better than that, so I just tried to bounce back as best as I could and tried to be gritty out there.

THE MODERATOR: Let's look ahead. Now that you've got a round like this under your belt, you've seen that kind of number out there, like you said, you're probably going to be chasing tomorrow, but a lot of things on the line. I mean, I know you are kind of an aggressive player on Sunday anyway. How much is this kind of round for you up coming into tomorrow?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's exciting to go around this golf course and make birdie because there's a lot of holes that give you birdie opportunities. If you're not hitting it real quick and it stays windy, you can run into a lot of trouble too.

You can be on the good side and make a bunch of birdies and go low or get on the bad side and struggle to make par on some holes.

Hopefully I'll be on the good side tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be aggressive and make some putts and see what happens.

THE MODERATOR: Finally from me, heading into tomorrow obviously the last round of the season. You've had a heck of a year those two wins. Finally got another major championship. Just evaluate your year.

BROOKE HENDERSON: I was very disappointed with 2021 and coming into this year I real wanted to bounce back and have a solid year and I got top of a really hot start. I had a bunch of top tens in the first few months.

Then to have that stretch in the middle of the summer there where I had two wins and a bumpily of top tens and some other great finishes, it really made me feel awesome really and just the hard work was paying off. So to have a bounceback year like this was really exciting for me, and I feel this round gives me a lot of momentum going into next year and hopefully I can just have another great year next year.

Q. What was your pain level today compared to the first two days?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, so I think everything that we've been doing can with physios and my parents and my sister and Dr. Thomas as well, I'm good. The adjustments that I made to my swing, it's not how I want to be sicing, you know, in the phenyl round of the year, but it's working okay. Especially the first round and today.

So that has really made a huge difference. Yeah, you know, it's tough to not come into this week at my full potential, but I've definitely been making it work, which is all I can really ask for. From something what is to important to you this week to put yourself through this and play through this pain to be here? ^CK Audio^.

BROOKE HENDERSON: I feel like maybe the hockey mentality. Just trying to be tough. It's the final event of the year SXHSHGS I just really wanted too finish this year on a strong note. I know that I have a month and a half to rest and recover and do everything I need to be ready for next year, so yeah, just pushing through. It's only one more day now, which is really exciting. Hopefully just finish strong tomorrow.

Q. You're having so much success with these swing changes you're having to make to get through the week. If you end up winning here or get some awards, would you consider adopting these changes long-term?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I don't think so, but it would be a strong argument maybe to think about.

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