CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Georgia Hall. I'm going to go ahead and call it, round of the day here on the final day of the CME Group Tour Championship. Up and down on the front, but finished really strong. Just walk me through that become nine.

GEORGIA HALL: I know the front nine is quite a bit harder. Maybe two or three shots harder than the back. So I just tried to stay patient on the front nine, and I played pretty well. It's just quite tough in places.

I holed some good 15-footers, a few in a row on the back nine and really got my round going. SO very pleased with today.

THE MODERATOR: These kind of conditions, what was going through your mind? I think you made five in a six-hole stretch.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, you've just got to stay patient. It's really tough out there, and it was really windy and it was more cold than the last couple of days. So, yeah, just tried to hole some putts and keep away the bogeys.

THE MODERATOR: Considering where you are from, this has to feel a little familiar. Did that kind of help you at all today?

GEORGIA HALL: I would like to say I'm a fairly good wind player. I quite like playing in the wind, and I feel quite confident. So when I heard it was quite windy today, I was fairly happy and glad it made off.

THE MODERATOR: How proud are you of today's effort to put yourself in the top five? You were outside looking in for a minute there.

GEORGIA HALL: It's always nice to be in the clubhouse all done. My goal was to try and get top five. Obviously 11th starting today. Yeah, hopefully done that. Even the top three would be lovely. Yeah, proud of myself, and a good end to the season.

THE MODERATOR: Just assess 2022. Obviously pretty solid for you.

GEORGIA HALL: Really consistent for sure. Had some really strong results. Been in contention quite a few times, so that's what I wanted this year and just playing really good golf, very consistent. So I think it leads me well into next we're.

THE MODERATOR: Finally plans for the offseason? I'm sure going home for a little bit.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, going back to England for a couple of weeks. Probably going on holiday I think maybe to Dubai for, like, only four days to try avoid the English winter for a little bit.

But just looking forward to kind of not doing much and just having a break from golf for a month.

THE MODERATOR: Are you a hang up the golf clubs for a month kind of person? Do you take them out, play with them every once in a while?

GEORGIA HALL: No, definitely hang them up for four or five weeks. I will not look at them. I will lock them away. I love them, but just for me to start again in the season really fresh, I need to be away for a month.

THE MODERATOR: Looking forward to seeing you next year.

GEORGIA HALL: Thank you.

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127321-1-1878 2022-11-20 20:30:00 GMT

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