CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Brooke Henderson after her final round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Just wanted to ask you, you know, your overall recap of this season. How happy are you with another top ten finish here and just your season in general?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, 2022 was really good to me. It was nice to bounce back from my year last year. It wasn't my best year, so I really wanted to come out strong, which I did. I had a bunch of top tens early in the season, and then to get those two wins in the middle section felt really nice.

You know, it's nice to finish the year on a top ten, so that feels good. I didn't have my best day today, but really grinded it out there and to get the top ten is really exciting.

THE MODERATOR: What are some of your goals, I think, for next year, micro-goals and obviously bigger ones?

BROOKE HENDERSON: The first thing will be trying to rest and recover and get myself back in normal position and then from there start trying to get a little bit better for next year and prep for the first event of the year in January, which I always love playing with the celebrities and going to that event.

It's always so tough to get into that field too, so it's always an honor to be able to play there. That's kind of the goal. Just recover and see if we can get a little bit better.

THE MODERATOR: Last question, any fun offseason plans? I know rest and recover is on the schedule, but anything else?

BROOKE HENDERSON: That's pretty much it, yeah. Two weeks off of golf and go from there.

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