CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

LYDIA KO: I really wanted to play the best golf I can, and there were so many big names that were chasing Leona and I, so I knew that it would be a tough battle. Especially with how tough the conditions were as well, but I just tried to focus on my game.

It didn't matter if somebody made a bogey or a birdie. I just wanted to make my share of birdies, and if I did make a mistake, to know that there was another hole I could recover from.

Q. It's your first win here since 2014. You also win the Rolex Player of the Year, first time since 2015. Your first multiple win season since 2016. What does it say about your game right now and your longevity that you are able to bounce back into this position?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, this year has been an incredible year. I really could never ask for more to win so early in the season and then to have won in Korea and then win the last event of the year. I couldn't have drawn it up any better. There has been so many exciting things in my life that's been going on.

It will be my last win as a single lady (cheering). So I wanted to do this for my family. This has been one of the most consistent and solid years I've had. I'm excited that my photo from winning here in 2014 with the glasses could get updated (laughing). Better photo this year.

Q. Well, we hope there will be many more photos to update in years to come because you're a tremendous ambassador for the LPGA Tour, and we will make the official presentation of the CME Group Tour Championship Trophy. Wonderful play. Well, it's been a great finish to a wonderful season. Not only $2 million to the winner, but another $1 million to St. Jude. A wonderful cause and Terry put so much effort into raising a lot of money.

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127326-1-1878 2022-11-20 21:03:00 GMT

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