CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Anna Nordqvist. What a day. What a round. I mean, that's just an impressive performance out here in these conditions. Six birdies on the back nine. What changed when you hit number 10?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Well, I feel like I caught some good momentum at 6 and 7 today. I hit a great shot into 9. Didn't make the putt, but then I hit it to a foot on 10.

Then I think it just helped we got put on the clock, so the speed of the group kind of picked up a little bit. But I feel like just hitting a lot of clutch shots and definitely having a few putts go in made a difference today.

THE MODERATOR: You told me you made some changes and just went back to speed. Out there today in these kind of conditions, how much did that mindset help you trust those lines and get the right speed and make those putts drop?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to lie, this year has been a hard year on the greens. I feel like ball striking-wise it's probably been the most consistent year I've had in my career. But, yeah, the last couple of weeks wasn't really going a good direction.

So my husband helped me a little bit earlier in the week and just focusing on speed. I think it slowed down the greens a little bit today because of the wind. I left myself a little bit short on a few of those, but I feel like I just put myself in good positions into the greens, so I had some good looks.

Q. Like you just mentioned, it hasn't been the best year for you on the green, so I'm wondering how you come into this week and come into this final round and stay confident out there?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I feel like I played really well last week in Tampa. Again, I missed a lot of short putts that week.

This week I think I tried to stay a little bit more patient than I have in the past and just really try to just commit to putts. It's so windy out there, so maybe that kind of throws your mind a little bit off and you just focus on speed versus line.

Q. And then I was wondering, you said your husband helped you out earlier in the week. What did you guys talk about, and is it nice having him here with you?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I haven't seen him for, like, what, two weeks, and I didn't play last week or in Japan. It's just nice. He knows me better than probably anyone, and he has seen me the last, what, five years now.

So, yeah, it's just good to get his set of eyes and just a little bit of confidence from him.

Q. You aren't shy about how hard of a year this has been for you, but what do you take from this week and moving forward?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I think taking from this week is obviously going to make offseason taste a little bit better. I just hit so many good shots. You know, trusting in the wind, and I worked really hard the last probably two months when I started feeling a little bit better.

So I think in general I just know that I'm doing the right thing. I'm looking forward to a break. I feel like when my game is clicking, then I have a feeling -- then I know I can contend, which I haven't been this year.

Q. How do you plan to spend your break?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yes, I haven't seen my dog for three weeks, so he will be picked up tomorrow morning when I get back to Arizona. But just need some time away from this game and work on my health a little bit and surround myself with the people that really care about me. So, yeah, just looking forward to see the people.

THE MODERATOR: Say hi to max for us.


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