CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Ruoning Yin

Flash Interview

Q. All right, here with Ronni Yin after her first round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Ronni, nine birdies, no bogeys. What was going so well for you today out there?

RUONING YIN: I think like I said yesterday, this course just suits my game. The fairways are wide open and the green -- the green is okay and I can read the green very well today.

I just tried to hit the fairway, hit the green, and just tried to make the putts, and I'm doing good.

Q. What is it specifically about this course that you would say suits your game or your eye?

RUONING YIN: I think just because the fairway is wide open, I think as long as my ball is in the fairway I do have the confidence to leave myself a birdie putt.

Q. You hit every fairway today, it seems like. Did that help a lot? Were the fairways playing really soft after all the rain?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, the fairway is pretty soft, but I think they move up the tee for a couple holes, which helps a lot. And my approach shot, my ball striking and approach shots doing well, and I think these the biggest strength of my game.

Q. I heard you telling Amy you maybe weren't feeling so great before the round or your or your warmup seemed off. Can you tell me about that?

RUONING YIN: When I warm up because, because the wind is so windy and I just don't feel great about my swing, but my coach is here this week and just right before the tee shot he told me, you're looking great. Your swing looking great. So just go play your game and just try to enjoy it.

Yeah, that's it.

Q. What kind of round were you expecting after your warmup and when did you realize, okay, I'm having a really good round?

RUONING YIN: When I warm up I felt like let's just try to not making bogeys and just try to -- when I get the chance, just try to make birdie.

But after nine hole I think -- yeah, nine hole -- it's 5-under. I was like, okay, maybe I can -- maybe today is the day. Maybe I can just go for it.

Q. Last question from me: I know this is your debut at the CME Group Tour Championship. How was it competing here at this big event for the first time? You now have one round under your belt. What were the nerves like and how happy are you with your very first round at CME?

RUONING YIN: It feels good to compete in this tournament, because my goal this year is win a major and qualify for the CME. I think I wasn't nervous at all. I just tried to, like I said, play my game, tried to not make any bogeys. That's my strategy for this week.

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