CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Gemma Dryburgh

Flash Interview

Q. All right, out here with Gemma Dryburgh after her second round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Really solid round; 7-under today. Just walk us through your round and what stood out to you.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, nice to start with a couple birdies there on it, was 3 and 4. I holed a couple long putts there, which was nice.

Yeah, then after that kind of hit it quite close, so just hitting it quite well all day.

I hit my 5-hybrid a few times today quite close, which was nice. Nice birdie at the 17 there.

Yeah, a few nice holes. One bogey on the card, so that was nice. Hitting it well yesterday as well. Just didn't get it going. A few bad holes.

Yeah, nice to get it going today.

Q. Talk about that string of birdies you had coming in the front nine. Like were you just super hyped come into the back nine?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, I almost birdied 10 as well, so that would've been nice to get a string there. Yeah, nice getting those three birdies to end the front nine.

Yeah, had a good cheering squad out there. Three of them were wearing Scottish dresses, so that was fun. That definitely inspired me. Yeah, it was just a fun day overall.

Q. You mentioned you struggled a little bit yesterday and the end of ANNIKA as well. Was there a mindset change heading into today or everything kind of clicked?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: It just kind of clicked. I was very tired last week after that stretch in Asia, so just kind of running on some gas there. Yeah, starting to get some energy back. Obviously Wednesday we had off, so that was quite nice for us that were all had been in Asia. Been quite a long stretch of events.

Yeah, getting the energy back, and hopefully later tee times tomorrow now.

Q. You had a really solid title defense in Japan. Talk through that. First title defense, right?


Q. Talk through how tiring that can be that week and how much pressure you have.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, it's a lot of mental energy, obviously a lot more media commitments as a defending champion, and then being in the final group on the first day, lots of crowds, which I love.

Yeah, it does take it out of you mentally. I got close to defending as well, which was nice, so nice 65 on the final day. So all good fun.

Yeah, it does take it out of you, and then the travel back and stuff, it all adds up.

Q. And then last question: Last event of the year. Talk about your year as a whole and maybe some of your best memories or highlights that you really think back on.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, been an amazing year. Solheim has to be a highlight. It was a big goal of mine ever since I can remember, so to be on that team was extra special.

And then playing well all Evian and got my first top 10 in a major was also a highlight.

Honestly, playing in Japan again was an amazing feeling, being a defending champion. That is my first time doing that, and just going back to Japan so many good vibes, so nice to end the year like that.

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139199-1-1041 2023-11-17 17:28:00 GMT

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