CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Bianca Pagdanganan

Flash Interview

Q. All right, here with Bianca after her second round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Really solid round today; 6-under. Walk us through your round and maybe mention some of the highlights you had out there today.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I think my putting was definitely a lot better today. Yeah, yesterday was -- I was all over the place. I had a couple three-putts. It was very frustrating, even when I gave myself so many opportunities.

But I guess today I hit it a lot closer and I really tried to take advantage of all the birdie chances that I had. Feel like most of them average around ten feet or probably inside ten feet.

Yeah, I don't think I did anything different. Again, like I know I was hitting it good. It was just a matter of me being patient and just waiting for my putts to drop.

Q. Gemma just shot 7-under as well. Really two solid rounds out there. Anything about the course that stood out today?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I don't know. Basing it off yesterday the greens were a lot softer, so I knew I could go after more pins. I think I was playing a little too conservative yesterday, so today I just had the mindset of going after pins that I could and try to, again, give myself more birdie chances.

I did miss a couple birdie putts out there, but I'm not going to complain. Pretty happy with my round.

Q. You had two strings of birdies on the front and back. Anything about those? Just dropping putts?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Again, I think I was just hitting them all pretty close. I think most of them are probably around five feet, so it was definitely a more solid day for putting.

I did spend some time yesterday just trying to hit a couple putts, trying to get the speed of the greens down, and pretty happy with how it turned out today.

Q. You played your way into this week last week. Just talk about how it's been to be here and make it here.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel like if you'd asked me that at the beginning of the year I would've said that you were probably crazy or I would've told you, wow, thank you for having that much faith in me.

I guess the last couple weeks, or if not the past couple events, I've been hitting it so much better. I've just had so much confidence in my game.

So I guess heading into last week I was -- I think the mindset was if I made it, then great. That's a great achievement. If I miss it, then I wouldn't be too hard on myself.

Again, it seemed so far away at the beginning of the year, so just being able to have that chance to play my way into the Tour Championship just meant a lot.

So it's just been I guess confidence building or boosting rather. Yeah, it's nice to see the parts of my game all kind of mesh well together when it actually matters.

Q. Being here, too, having that relief that you are here, do you think that's affected you this week, that you kind of have that thought out of your plate since you're here now?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel like the last couple weeks I felt a lot more free on the golf course, which probably helped me so much. Like I think I've had pretty good rounds, so, I mean, with this week getting into the field, it's just me enjoying this whole experience.

I played this three years ago as a rookie, and being able to play it now with a lot more experience and just knowing how to approach my game, it's definitely a lot more exciting for me.

So I'm just enjoying everything, having so much fun, and if I just keep doing that, then I'll be rewarded with good golf hopefully.

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