CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Lilia Vu


Q. Lilia, after an opening round of 70 yesterday, followed up with a 66 today. How would you describe your overall start to the week?

LILIA VU: Kind of shaky to start with, but today I got the ball rolling better, and then a lot of chances for birdie. My ball striking was really good on the back nine, so took advantage of those.

Q. When I asked you earlier this week about priorities with so much on the line, so many prizes, awards up for grabs, you told me you had one goal this week: just to come out here and win. How well do you feel like you're doing the job of just focusing on that and just quieting the rest of the noise?

LILIA VU: Usually I try to be in contention after two days. We'll see if what I shot today was good enough.

Yeah, tomorrow come I am going to come in with the same mindset and try to birdie as many holes as I can.

Q. What do you think you're going to have to do well here the next two days to give yourself a chance?

LILIA VU: I don't think I need to change anything really. Just try to give myself chances for birdies and go from there.

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