CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Amy Yang


Q. Amy, you just laughed when I talked about how hot you got midway through the round today. Seven birdies in a nine-hole stretch. What was the key to the low day?

AMY YANG: It was just one of those days that I hit it really solid out there, gave myself lots of chances.

My putting was really on top of it, and just happy to see how I played today, yeah.

Q. You've been playing great in recent weeks. Coming off a Top 5 last week at The ANNIKA, and you've been working a lot on your mental game and how important that is. What have you been working on that's given you the success we've seen the last two weeks?

AMY YANG: I just quiet down my ego. Not a lot of second guessing out there if you don't really take care much of your mental game. I think it's very important for like tour players to have very strong mental game, and I been just try to accept what it is out there and really try to like focus on each shot, just accept what it is.

Q. What do you think will be the biggest challenge for you now to keep this going the next two days?

AMY YANG: I would say still the mental game. You know, no matter what happens out there, I got to stick to what I've been working on and just trust myself.

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