CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Alison Lee


Q. Alison Lee, showing us why she is one of the hottest players in the game right now with a round of 466. 46 to start week. What has been behind the strong start?

ALISON LEE: I don't know. I wish I had an answer for you. I don't know. Just feel really good about my game right now. Swing is in a really good place. Making a lot of really good putts.

Yeah, wish I knew the recipe for success, but just trying my best to ride the wave right now because I feel like I'm playing great golf. Hopefully can continue through the weekend.

Q. Yeah, I think you you found that recipe with two runner-up finishes and a win in your last three worldwide starts. What do you feel like you learned putting yourself in that position and having that success that you can lean on this weekend?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, it's -- definitely golf is always a learning experience. I feel like no matter what you do, no matter how much you practice, no matter what position you're in, there is always so much to learn.

So, yeah, over the last three events I feel like I've learned so much. I've learned to really stay calm on the course, really be in the moment, really enjoy it.

When golf is going your way and you're making putts, making birdies, it's so much fun. So trying not to get too ahead of myself. Trying not to stare too much at the leaderboard too long and think about Sunday and just think about what's happening right now and what's happening in front of me.

Q. You've had ups and downs throughout your career on the LPGA. With all the recent success out here, what impact has it been having on you as a person and a player?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, it's been really great. You know, I worked really hard to try and get back to this place with my game, physically and mentally. I did have a few tough years on tour where I lost my card, wasn't playing great.

I just lost a lot of confidence, and I feel like I lost myself. I just couldn't figure it out. To be able to see all my hard work pay off and to be able to figure it out now, it's nice. It's my 9th year on tour now. I've been waiting for that win for a really long time.

There was a point in time where I thought I would never be able to win. You know, after putting myself in a good place the last few weeks and putting myself in contention really sparked that fire in me again.

Really excited to be here and really excited to be in contention again going into the weekend.

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