CME Group Tour Championship

Friday, November 17, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Minjee Lee


Q. Minjee, hitting the flagstick there at the last but coming away with the birdie, how would you describe the day overall?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I hit the ball really solid. Still made a fair few putts, but made a couple mistakes out there.

We still have the weekend to go, so overall solid day.

Q. Ball striking really on. Paige Mackenzie was out there and she said particularly your mid-irons really seem to be particularly on today more so than ever. Speaking of the weekend, how would you assess where your game is at with two rounds to go?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like I'm in a pretty good position. Probably one shot back right now. Yeah, I've been striking it pretty good the last few weeks, so, yeah, I'm feeling confident in that area, and if the putter is on then I think I can be in a really good position.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
139212-1-1041 2023-11-17 22:06:00 GMT

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